[b]*[i]Mist's Reach[/i], Novilis Hegemony*[/b] The light of the early morning sun poked over the horizon, bathing the small stone fortress in a rosy light. The sounds of the forest began to change as the things of the night began to bed down to let the things of day have their reign. It was all quiet, till the ring of steel on steel rang out from the courtyard of the fortress. The sharp sound reverberating through the empty structure like a bell toll, quickening a few bird's awakening, sending them into the sky in slight panic. The sound rang out a few more times as two lightly armored figures crossed blades, each wielded their swords in a loose grip and slowly circled around each-other. They continued this dance till finally one broke and lunged at the other, a high swing being sent out as they did so. The other raised their unshielded, and unarmored left arm to catch the blow. A practiced move, it would have worked had the figure had a shield, but this time the blade bit into the skin, hard to be certain but not as deep as one would expect, but blood still welled around the cut. Seemingly unfazed the now wounded figure twisted it's own blade and stepped forward, the steel's tip pressing into the attackers throat. [color=f7941d]"Hold! Hold! I give this one to you. God's damn it Eamon did you really have to catch my blade with your arm?"[/color] The attacker sputtered out, trying to catch their breath in a way that didn't aggravate the sword tip poking their throat. Stepping back Eamon brought his blade to rest, removing the blade from his arm as he did so. The cut was not serious, in fact it had barely broken the skin but due to the blood that welled out from it, it looked a lot worse than it was. Reaching up Eamon removed his own helmet, the early morning light illuminating his grin [color=0072bc]"Oh calm down Calin, it worked out in the end didnt it? Besides these sparring blades wouldn't even be fit to cut thawing butter."[/color] As he spoke Eamon was slowly making his way over to a small rack that held blades of various lengths and sizes, and a small earthenware bottle placed on top of some strips of cloth. Trading his helm for the cloth and bottle Eamon gripped the cork stopper in his teeth and pulled, a soft pop signifying that the bottle was open. Gripping the cork in his mouth, Eamon extended his wounded arm and began to pour some of the liquid onto his abrasion. The lime green goop smelled horribly, but stung worse, like a dry itch mixed with the sensation of raw skin. Biting down on the cork, Eamon grunted as he tipped his arm and scraped the slime off of his arm, wrapping it in the strips of cloth. [color=0072bc]"Sometimes I think the alchemists enjoy making this as uncomfortable as possible."[/color] Calin laughed as he too deposited his helm and sword, [color=f7941d]"You know it wouldn't hurt, if you didn't have need for it in the first place. I know you want to finish fights quickly but you must remember, magic and slaves can only repair the body so many times Eamon, so for the love of it all keep you shield with you if your going to keep doing that."[/color] As he said the final words Calin clapped his hand on Eamon's shoulder, who simply responded with a chuckle [color=0072bc]"And you best keep that lecturer's tongue of yours in check, lest you find someone with a touch less patience as well as a sharper sword."[/color] The two laughed as they made their way through the courtyard towards the central building of the Fortress, the central defensive location and hall. As they entered Calin and Eamon split, with Calin going to do whatever it was Knight Stewards did in the morning, and Eamon going towards the kitchen. The knight was pleased to find things were in full swing, and his customary plate sat on the edge of the counter. Grabbing it he retreated to an out of the way spot to sit, watch and eat. Ever since he was a small child he had enjoyed watching the cooks work, but had learned early on that to get in ones way was the worst thing he could do. So he sat and ate, the kitchen staff paying him no mind, save for the occasional "morning sir". Finishing his meal, the knight placed the plate and utensils in the washing basin, thanked the cook and was shooed out the door. Looking over his shoulder as he exited in a hurry, fearing the spoon that had been thrown at him in the past, Eamon was surprised to find that he almost ran into something. Stopping short, he caught himself in a slightly less than graceful manner, stumbling a few steps but thankfully not falling. All the while the little light simply danced away from Eamon and his flailing. As he recovered the thing circled around him, bobbing up and down like wood in water. Starring at it Eamon reached out his hand, which it lazily floated away from, only to continue dancing bobbing forward and back like it wanted to go somewhere. Turning Eamon was about ready to start off towards the inner parts of the fortress when the thing once more caught his eye, it had intensified its dancing as he had turned and was now actively dancing towards the door all the while keeping the Knights attention. He couldn't quite say why, but something in him wanted to follow the light wherever it would lead, to break the monotony of sitting around and go be what the Tried Knights were supposed to be. Slowly moving back towards the kitchen Eamon caught a servant [color=0072bc]"Sorry to bother you, but would be so kind as to get Calin for me, tell him I need to speak to him."[/color] [b]*3 hrs Later, at the entrance to [i]Mist's Reach[/i]*[/b] [color=f7941d]"So it is resolved then, you truly are going to follow this thing?"[/color] Eamon couldn't fault his steward for his uncertainty, had someone told him that they had a feeling they were supposed to follow a wisp like thing that had just appeared, he would doubt them too. But this time Eamon was certain, certain enough to have gotten armored in his proper armor, had a travailing pack prepped, his weapons brought and horse to him brought . Even now he was securing his Bastard Sword and Guisarme to holding straps on the horses saddle. Satisfied, he mounted the horse with a little help from Calin. [color=0072bc]"Yes I do[/color] He answered finally [color=0072bc]"As always your in charge, if any of my half siblings come knocking tell them iv'e gone on a tour of the estate and country side. If the Hegemon comes knocking, tell him that Iv'e gone on quest, or that iv'e found a possible thret, yadd, yadda, yadda." [/color] At this Calin laughed [color=f7941d]"So I will, and sir? Good hunting, and may the gods be with you."[/color] Eamon nodded, and smiled to his steward, before urgeing his horse on. [color=0072bc]"May they be with you as well, Calin."[/color] As he journeyed forth, Eamon only paused once at the tree line to look back at Mist's Reach. It's stone walls, topped with the banner of a golden Griffon on a sea of blue. Smiling sadly at leaving his home, Eamon turned once more to the light [color=0072bc]"Lead on friend."[/color] With that he entered the deep old wood, leaving the Reach behind.