It has been a good few weeks since Selie’re made her way to this continent, but as luck would have it travels between countries and towns wasn’t very fast. Always getting problems with local population of monsters. Back in Arcania the problem with monsters wasn’t as present as the borders were so tightly guarded that even monsters weren’t spared. Not to mention there were constant patrols to keep the territory safe. Situation here seemed to be very different. Well all of that didn’t matter, she was finally in Navire. As she walked down the streets through the market her appearance attracted a lot of eyes. First was her glowing hair, that shined with burning red. After that the eyes would pass at her beautiful face. Finally the stares would flow down though her clothing. She was wearing the traditional Blade Dancer armors, which before all was concentrated on aesthetics, but made from quality materials such as very high grade steel, leather from strong monsters and fine silk. All of those things made for a very beautiful set of armor perfectly suitable for a dancer both on the battlefield and on a podium to entertain a people. Selie’re received multitude of lewd looks and propositions, all of which she ignored as she walked the street. Many warriors who saw her armor quickly made annoyed face as at first glance it’s not really covering nature made it pretty much useless, but once again she paid them no heed. Because first of all she wasn’t meant to be hit, the Blade dancers were supposed to dodge and parry any attack. All their training was focused on utilizing extreme mobility and speed, the fancy armor served mainly as a way to give them decent clothing, but still revealing and exotic enough to attract the eyes. In the end any negative looks from warriors were silenced when they saw the pair of curved swords on her hips. Those weapons while as exotic looking as the armor, immediately gave of the feeling that they were well maintained and often used, probably far outclassing anything that could be found on the normal weapon shops. As she was about to exit the market, the arcana noticed a stand selling what seemed to be fresh fruits and vegetables. With her graceful walk, she made her way to it and quickly check what was on sale.[color=ed1c24]” Excuse me mister, how much for these two?”[/color] She asked in common west. The merchant looked at her, she clearly was a sight for his eyes.[b]” 5 coins… 5…:”[/b] He said with a big smile. Clearly there was some difference in the understanding between the two, but hey the language of gestures and money was universal![color=ed1c24]” Come on, 2… pretty please…”[/color] She said, batting her eyelashes at him. The man quickly gave in and a few seconds later she was on her way to the Public ring, but now she was eating a big red apple and she had another one in her bag. Her walk through the Residency went without any problems so she soon was in the Public ring. With a smile on her face and walk that seemed almost weightless she made her way to the court. The place was big and there was a decent number of people here, but not everyone seemed the fighter type. Most likely not everyone was here for the application for the job. On that note though, Selie’re noticed a rather interesting looking man. His armor was clearly made from exotic materials and looked very high quality. Not to mention just the way he bore himself spoke of a warrior and a good one at that. The arcana herself had some of that warrior vibe to her, but it was mixed with the weightlessness that came from being a Blade dancer. Still she immediately gained respect and gave the man a nod of recognition. Then she made her way to the wall next to him and leaned on it. Sometimes there was no need for words between warriors.