Graham stood atop a building with his new garments on, a gas mask to hid his face and he wore long, hooded, black leather jacket over his black t-shirt with some sort of rock band logo on it and black cargo pants to give him some movement when running. Graham then took off his mask with a sigh. "This shit is stuffy as hell, but if I'm going to get in there and protect my identity from that night..." He said to himself, looking at the gas mask before reluctantly putting it back on. "It will have to do." Graham then set off running to the club to see if anything changed from the night prior. About a block away Graham noticed a particular man on a phone, secluded from the hustle and bustle of the city. Graham got closer and listened in. "Business with the guy... Master." He heard, this "master" had to be Torchwick, and this was his accomplice. Graham nimbly crept down the building before reaching ground level and creeping low on the ground. The man was unaware and near an ally, hopefully Graham could do this. He bursted out of the crowd and ducked behind him before covering his mouth with his hand and putting an arm around his neck, slowly dragging him into the alley. Graham pulled out a cinderhulk in gun form and pointed it to his head. "Shout, scream, do anything to get attention and I will shoot, got it?" Graham warned before letting go of his mouth. "Now, you're gonna tell me what I need to know. Where's the girl? Exactly. And what is Torchwick hiring to guard her?" He interrogated.