[b]Alvey McConnell[/b] The Dodge Charger, a very familiar vehicle in Crown City. It had been a very popular car during the last few years - affordable and very practical. The difference between the stock Charger and Alvey's was one: the engine. Straddled with a V8 LS3, the car's torque and horsepower were off the roof - and despite it's simplistic look, it was a rather beast on the street. Secondly, the windows were bulletproofed with acrylic material and could last quite a while against automatic weapons. Last but not least, the entire car was enforced from the outside. All of it was surfaced with Kevlar material - a bulletproof metal - which made Alvey's car metaphorically a tank on the road. Despite all these modifications, the vehicle looked like any other Charger on the street. It didn't have decals, it didn't have fancy thug life rims, nothing. It was a plain black tinted ride that could compete against any adversary. Anyhow, as Alvey continued to roam the dark abyss of Crown City, his police scanner started to go off. Robbery in progress, car accidents, hold-ups, everything you can imagine was all happening at once. And where were the cops? Probably still at the doughnut shops eating away their corrupted paychecks. Despite the numerous crimes Alvey could follow up on, he was on a mission. He had a lead and was not going to miss his opportunity to get rid of one of the biggest scum in the city. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a distant ride from his home, the man finally came across his destination. A 'friend' of his managed to get him an address to an approximate pinpoint location on Killer Shark's whereabouts. The criminal had become difficult to target because nobody ever spoke his real name, nor did they ever speak of him period. They feared the Shark because he wasn't afraid to kill. Many criminals in this city had a brain, they were smart and knew their limitations. But this man Killer Shark was breaking all the rules. He started to become an example to the younger generation that oppression was not real - just a figurative idea that was created merely in oneself. That's why he was so dangerous and needed to be stopped. Because if he wasn't, there would be more of him on the streets in the near future. So upon reaching the address, Alvey parked across the street and switched his headlights off. Before him was a ragged apartment complex that had seemingly evicted all of its tenants just a week prior to this day. Apparently someone had purchased the entire place with cash and nobody asked questions. Turning to his passenger seat, Alvey opened up the black gym bag the had laying there. Inside were various weapons and equipment, all prepared to kill anybody that brought harm to this city. He pulled out his pistol and made sure it was loaded - there was no room for error. In addition, he screwed on a silencer in order to stay in the shadows once he entered. His MP5 was also there and soon strapped around his shoulder as he left his car. The man stood there in silence for a second, vision eavesdropping in all directions. Still to this day Alvey has a hard time believing in the terrors this city had fallen to. He had been born to the era when heroes prospered, but that was long ago. When they started to fall one by one, Alvey was there. The news would broadcast the deaths of these heroes. Nowadays they are called vigilantes, but before, they were definitely the good guys. The only way to clean up the city now is to destroy it and reconstruct from its ashes. With all these criminals owning half of everything, its difficult not to need them dead. Jails and prisons are as corrupted as banks. There is no hiding the fact that these gangsters run what their money can buy - it's that simple. But anyhow, there was no time to dwell on the problems of the entire city. There was a task at hand and it was Alvey's turn to act. In a slow jog, the man started for the apartment building, keeping his eyes as keen as possible to not be seen. He dashed through the alley way, making his way to the backside of the building as the rap music blasted through the closed windows of said building. Upon reaching the back - a private parking lot - he pulled out his pistol and slowly opened the door. It was an empty corridor that seemed to lead to the front desk. He could hear chattering up there, so crouched as he made his way in. It seemed like they weren't expecting company and forgot to lock the doors. Step by step his made his way closer to the front. He could see a man's arm from where he was and lifted his weapon accordingly. As he shortened the distance between him and front desk, he could now see the entire man's stature along with the other man he was speaking to. Alvey looked at the floor in search of something and found a little stone which he picked up. Without a word, he tossed the stone at the front door, which caused both men to pause their conversation and turn to the door. "What the hell?" one of the men said, but those would be his last words as Alvey rushed out of hiding and shot him directly in the head. The silenced bullet went through the man's entire skull and pierced the upper wall. The other guy lunged backwards off his chair in attempt to pick up his rifle, but it was too late. Alvey had turned by then and let three bullets inside the man's carcass. Nobody heard anything because the music continued to play and definitely hid the actions of the first floor. Swiftly, Alvey reloaded and started up the stairs. There was seven floors, and it didn't seem that the music initiated in the second. It wasn't loud enough just yet. So with caution, the reached the second and started to clear the rooms one by one. One shot here, two shots there. In one of the rooms, a guy was having intercourse with a woman. He rushed forward, pulled the guy off the girl and fired two shots in his chest. What he didn't see coming was that the woman yelled at the top of her lungs. "Shut up!" Alvey yelled back at her, covering her mouth and putting the gun to her head. "Shut up! Shut up or I'll shoot you" he grunted at her face, his eyes red. Suddenly everything changed when the music came to a halt and people yelled "Get the guns!" It was war time.