Solanne slapped a hand over her mouth in a vain attempt to contain the snickers bursting forth. Hey, at least Hazel was trying, right? There was no guarantee that her high school crush would acknowledge those feelings but it was the effort that mattered, right? Marianne watched the other girl carefully, her smirk never once flickering. Having known her the longest, Solanne could easily tell that the dark mage was greatly enjoying this personal show to her. Whether or not she was genuinely interested or just pondering on the many ways to break Hazel had yet to be seen. Then she moved, closing the distance between them even further until Marianne was close enough to whisper into the redhead’s ear. Leaning forward a bit, the dark mage focused a red eye intently on the one who found so much attraction in her. The air seemed to drop in temperature just slightly as she delivered her message. [i][b]“So you think I’m pretty? My, my….”[/b][/i] It was low enough so only Hazel heard and she backed off quickly before a response was given. This time she was smiling gently as small giggles escaped from her. The air had returned to normal, if it changed at all to begin with. “Well it seems you’re really quite fond of these type of people then Miss Faker. I’ll have to keep that in mind when being near you. I wouldn’t want these significant others to kill you before me. After all, you’d very much liked to be taken apart by my hands, yes?” Another knowing look before Marianne titled her head cheerily. “Well, anything for my [b]F.R.I.E.N.D.[/b]”