The times I were afraid, something at work threw me off recently, it had me scared, truly... It happened once before, though unwork related I am allowed to speak about it... It was when I got mugged by a bunch of smug shits... What frustrates me the most back then is that the people mugging me were younger, a few more than me and my two friends... But we could have fought back, but I froze... It pisses me off, being that scared... I hate myself for not building up courage to deal with shit... I have dealt with assholes from left to right, though nobody drew a weapon at me... Which is what had me freeze up... I was so scared back then, back recently... I hate that shit, fucking small time trauma and I can't fucking let it go. I feel so fucking weak not being able to cope with this bastard society... I hate this world, what it does to me, others and itself! ...