Torie's eyes went wide as he heard Iggy tell him to follow him. Follow meant going. Going meant doing job. Doing job meant LOADSAMONEY! Gleefully following along behind Luka, Torie had a spring in his step as he followed along, more than ecstatic about this. Focused enough to not leave a river of drool behind him, Torie started saying things like: [b]"Best job!"[/b] and: [b]"Man, what am I gonna do with my share...could buy a shop...yeah, a shop!"[/b], and, lastly: [b]"...Wonder if I need a permit from the city to build a private money pool..."[/b] Torie was obviously clueless that Iggy meant to not follow the job exactly, but it wasn't like he cared. If they were going to get these keys, then they were KINDA doing the job anyways. Regardless, he trusted Iggy enough to just listen to him. He'd probably be dissapointed though if the job didn't work out. Depressed, more like. As they kept walking, Torie eventually asked: [b]"So...what're you guys planning to do with the money?"[/b]