Collab with [@KnightofDoom] and [@GingerBoi123] After being let out of the truck, Amaya looked around the vast warehouse. She took in her surroundings, not quite sure of how to react. They, who ever "they" were, were extremely organized. Soon a shirtless man came up and addressed Max. He seemed relatively dangerous on his own, however, since he was part of this organization (she assumed), he must not be too bad. Also the fact that they didn't have weapons trained on her yet was a good sign. Amaya was a little ticked off that the unknown man was talking about her as if she wasn't there, but she decided to let it slide. Not fully knowing what was going on, Amaya decided it was best to let Max handle whatever needed to be handled. The man looked at Amaya. "Can you come with me please?" He asked, keeping his stern expression but didn't try to be threatening. As he turned around, a massive tattoo of the Renegade symbol was plastered on his back with even more tattoos littered around the back of his body as well as the front. He strided across the warehouse, not looking back to see if Amaya was near. Being suddenly addressed, Amaya was shaken from her analyzing stupor. He started walking away before she had even had a chance to fully comprehend what he was asking, much less respond. She started jogging to catch up with the tattoo adorned man. His long strides were difficult to keep up with, so Amaya had to keep her pace to a vigorous trot. She didn't know where he was taking her, but after coming along this far, she had no choice but to follow. The two reached a makeshift command center with monitors and wires strewn across the floor, sectioned off by containers and boxes. The man turned to Amaya. "I need to keep this brief, I'm a busy man and you want to be on your way. Firstly, do you know about Vygorns? What they are?" He asked for his first question. "Um, I don't believe I know the full extent of who they are or what they do, but I have heard of the name." Amaya answered quickly, but cautiously. She didn't want to get on this man's nerves, but she needed to give him the information he needed. "Right. Next, what exactly were you doing at Cloud Nine? Its a bit suspicious after my boys spotted a Vygorn leave the building." He explained. "Mm," Amaya thought about her answer. This one could make or break it. "I was shown a vision. The voice in the vision told me to visit Cloud Nine. Under normal circumstances I wouldn't have listened, but this vision wasn't just a dream. The vision came at a time when I was unlikely to fall asleep and when I woke up, the conditions were something more accustomed to me." It was difficult to put into words. Amaya was uncertain if she chose the right way to explain, but now she could only hope that the man would be able to comprehend her words. The mans eyes widened in realization. "Elemental..." He whispered. "And you're supposed to meet a guy... Phil... something. Right?" He asked, losing his stern tone for a little bit. "Yea, Phil Ripley, how did you know?" Amaya asked. "Also what's an "Elemental"?" "A type of person I trusted a long time ago." The man stated. "I think I need to explain somethings to you." He said and then walked up to her to treat her as an equal as he talked. "I was the wall guard when this world was a global landfill, before the Vygorns came out of hiding. Phil was an "Elemental" someone who could control an element of the world, fire, wind, whatever. I let Phil and his entourage in to Appling, a small city off of Atlanta. I let him in and one of his friends, Will, another elemental, went evil, flooded the entire damn place and destroyed the city. No more Appling. Then the Vygorns are all uppity and out of hiding. So I set up this rebellion, and its turned to this." He said, extending his arms out to highlight the warehouse. "Get it so far?" "Yea," Amaya said. So far this story was not looking good for her. Well, since she still hasn't met this Phil person, she couldn't exactly be considered apart of his group. "You don't know Phil yet do you?" He said, knowingly as she looked a little confused. "No, I was suppose to meet him in the basement of Cloud Nine, but Max intercepted me before I get there." Amaya replied, a bit more confident of her situation now. "Damn it, Cowboy." He muttered. He then looked back to the command console and picked up a radio. "Junker Squad, double time it now, get those people here now!" The tattooed man ordered. He then turned back to Amaya. "You'll get to meet Phil soon." He said reassuringly. "By the way, I'm sorry I didn't get your name. A bit rude of me to be honest. What was it again?" He asked, completely dropping the stern tone now. "Amaya Tsukino, and yours?" Amaya asked relieved to finally be in the clear. "For now, folks around here simply call me Boss. You get used to calling people by their labels than their names here." He explained. "But my real name is Sean Hale." "Nice to meet you Sean," Amaya said, trying her best to act warm, but instead it came out more formal. "Sorry if I call you by your name, I just think it's more appropriate in this situation." "That's fine." Sean said. "Sorry about my people, they're a bit on edge... all the time." He explained. "Were a bit unorganized, and not exactly the best kind of militia you've seen, but we get to do our job." He explained, apologizing for the messy look of the Warehouse. "No, it's fine. For a rebellion group I'd say you are fairly organized." Amaya answered, she was usually use to cleanliness, but now was not the time to be picky. After all she didn't have much control over her powers, so she'd be at the disadvantage if it came to a fight. "Ha! That's a first." Sean commented. "You're all right." He said as a compliment. "Ah, thanks?" Amaya answered, confused. She knew it was suppose to be a compliment, but still, pegging her as "adequate" wasn't necessarily a compliment. "Well, thank you for answering my questions. Now, if you want, you can wait in the warehouse until the others get her, with the rest of the "Elementals" joining them." He offered. "Alright, I will." Amaya nodded. She was interested in meeting these "Elementals". But she needed to be patient.