[center][color=cyan][h2]Estelle Marie Forrester[/h2][/color] [img] http://i.imgur.com/vsLKSJO.jpg [/img] Stands at 4’7 | Age 16 | Human | Female [hider=Personality]Estelle is very shy and kind though she is so shy to the point where she can't really talk in front of other people. Having not socialized with anyone really left Estelle with no knowledge on how to relate to others and so she hardly ever knows what to say or how to act. She tends to blurt a lot of things out without realizing it or thinking about her words. She also gets embarrassed and flustered way too easily; often blushing and hiding her face. She is oblivious about a lot of stuff, especially when it comes to flirting/love or basically any interest thrown her way. She can be very insecure about herself and her body and she tends to second-guess herself a lot. Estelle can become upset very easily and is very sensitive; also being very clumsy and tends to trip over her own feet a lot. Estelle has a habit of thinking out-loud. She also puts others needs before her own and in most cases she reacts without thinking of her own well-being: if someone is being hurt, Estelle will immediately try and protect them with any means possible without even considering herself. She is very, very selfless.[/hider] [hider=Biography] Her mother wasn’t known for commitment. She slept around behind her husbands’ back and he was none the wiser. To outside world, they were the perfect couple. But when Estelle’s mother got pregnant after a one-night stand with a stranger she met in a bar, she played it off that it was her husbands’ child. However, one day Estelle’s father had grown suspicious of how his wife was acting, leaving the house and not coming back until well into the morning. He took Estelle to get a DNA test done and it was there the truth was revealed that Estelle was not his daughter. He kicked her and her mother out. Her mother managed to get a crappy job as a waitress as a diner. She was constantly blaming Estelle for their misfortune. One day her mother was especially drunk and threw a beer bottle at Estelle. It hit the left side of her face and her mother panicked as she started bleeding and took her to the hospital, claiming the girl had tripped with a cup and fell into the glass. The doctors were able to remove all the glass fragments but Estelle lost the sight in her left eye and if one looked closely they could see the pale scars around her left eye. Afterword things spiraled downward further. Estelle would get verbally abused almost every day. When Estelle turned five, her mother dragged her out of the house and towed her to a park. There she told the girl to sit on a bench and stay there. Estelle cried, trying to cling to her skirt and begging her to not go, that she would behave. Her mother turned and shoved her away harshly, sending the small girl to the ground. Her parting words before she turned and left haunted Estelle for the rest of her life. [color=red]”I should have never gave birth to you, you monster.”[/color] As her mother walked away Estelle laid there on the ground, stunned. She didn’t know how long she had laid there but when it started to rain an elderly couple who happened to be walking by saw her and hurried over. Soon after Estelle was adopted by them. They were very kind to her and took care of her. However, the passed away when Estelle turned ten and she was taken to an orphanage. There she was bullied by the other kids until she was adopted once more two years later. Her new family treated Estelle horribly and made her work around the house. Her two brother picked on her, as did some kids at school. Eventually it came to a point where her family ignores her, only acknowledging her long enough to give her an order. Sadly, the same could not be said for the teens at her school. One night, she had been sleeping when she heard a noise. A black figure appeared in her room but before she could scream her world went dark. That night her family discovered her empty bed and assumed she had run away. They said good riddance and went about their daily lives, unknowing that Estelle had been stolen away by vampires.[/hider] [hider=Other] [hider=Likes] +Singing(When no one is around to hear her that is) +Flowers, Roses specifically +Animals +Sweets +Helping people[/hider] [hider=Dislikes] -Bullies -People playing with other people’s feelings[/hider] [hider=Fears] ~ Being grabbed suddenly ~ Loud noises ~ Heights ~ Violence/Fighting ~ Small or enclosed spaces ~ Never being good enough ~People she cares about leaving her ~ Water(She doesn't know how to swim)[/hider] [hider=Talents] She is an excellent artist and she is seen much of the time painting or drawing. However, she never shows anyone her work in fear of them laughing at her and telling her it was terrible. Also plays the violin and piano.[/hider][/hider][/center]