[color=c4df9b][i][b]Murakawa Torako[/b][/i][/color] [color=c4df9b] "Er... Well... I guess...? I'll pick up the bill as long as you two don't go testing this on your own. I'll be doing my own research on the side, so just let your senpai handle this for now." [/color] [color=f7976a]"Yay~ Free food!"[/color] The last bit didn't bother her. After all, if Kyouma didn't know, then it didn't happen. It was... what was it again? The name of that theory where upon something being observed it exists? But the main point was, there really wasn't anything he could do to stop her if he didn't know. Tora looked over at their meals, only hers apparently finished down to the last bite. [color=f7976a]"Ahaha~ Take your time, I'll wait and.. AH!"[/color] A glance at her watch told her it was almost time for her 10 km run. After which, she would have barely enough time for a shower before her study time and curfew. The supervisor there didn't really mind her breaking the curfew, but the knowing looks and the talks about how she's already became an adult was kinda unbearable. [color=f7976a] "Sorry for the bother."[/color] She stood up and bowed slightly towards the two. [color=f7976a]"But I need to dash now. I'll miss my curfew otherwise." [/color]She leaned over to Beatrix and patted her head. [color=f7976a]"Be nice to Kyouma senpai now. I'll play with you tomorrow alright?"[/color] With a last wave goodbye, she went out the restaurant and started jogging in one direction. Odd, she felt like she had been running the whole day. There had been quite a lot happening too. She met that kid who apparently lives alone, or... was her parents out? Well, a very independent kid nonetheless. And most importantly, she learned that Kyouma can't see behind him. Oh how she would gloat over her friends on that. [color=f7976a] "Eh? Why did I go out today again?"[/color] Some rumors about something granting people level ups in alleys or something. It wasn't as if she really believed it exists, but it was just that if it does exist, she wouldn't forgive herself if she couldn't at least say she tried to find it. With an aside look at her watch, she quickly restructured her usual jogging routes to involve as many alleys as possible. [hr][b][i][color=c4df9b]Uiharu Kazari[/color][/i][/b] [color=f6989d]"Uhnn.... This is kinda annoying."[/color] Kazari was focusing hard on the computers now, bringing up a lot of windows and tabs to no effect. Not even a full detailed report on what happened. Just that there was an AIM experiment that failed, and a large number of people that apparently have died. [color=f6989d]"Shira..i?"[/color] Shirai had already disappeared, most likely returning to patrol the alleys and investigate while the incident was still fresh. Annette was certainly taking after the role well, all things considering, though uh... that girl over there was kinda... . She shook off those thoughts and addressed the two. [color=f6989d]"Well, we have information on our perpetrator, so you can leave the rest to us." [/color]Though to be honest, she didn't know how they could catch someone apparently dead. There was something very strange about all of this.