Enna whimpered softly, her attention focusing on the warmth from the boy now in front of her, she took a deep breath and tried to focus on the present. Shivers and convulsions starting to rock her form, the ice evaporating into pure mist, causes a chocked whine to come from her lips. "Damn it...I don't normally lose control...but I started thinking of her and... I'm shifting and I can't stop it, I haven't shifted in three months so I can't...I can't be here for the Greeting - I need to-" Another long whine tipped from her throat as a pulse of pain pain shoots through her body, her vision backing out for a few seconds. The soft sounds of footsteps coming through the main entrance, towards the Auditorium had snarl from her already slightly shifted face, the feeling of her muscles shifting under her skin had her jerking and slumping to the side.[@SomeoneSomewere]