Enna nods and attempts to relax her body, her head turning away when a familiar feeling of food returning from her stomach, she chocked slightly when she finished and forced her aching lungs to draw, slow deep breaths. The feeling of ice water filling her veins has a gasp spilling from her lips before a long, low whimper fills the quickly disipating silence as the sounds of students and staff nearing the main doors of the Auditorium fill the air. Trying to roll on her side and failing with a grunt, Enna shivers when the feeling of her muscles rippling and the sound of her bones shifting and breaking before reforming fill her ears. Her vision fading to nothing as her shift takes over, her hair darkening and sprouting along her skin, her face shifting into a snout and her ears shift higher until they twitch weakly as a half whimper, half whine escape her now fully formed maw. Her arms and legs shift, bones breaking and reforming until their paws instead of hands and feet, her back arching once as her tail emerges from her lower back and her maw parts to release quick, uneven breaths. Enna remains on her side her eyes closing as the last of her convulsions fade until she's left attempting to empty her already empty stomach. Her paws twitching every few seconds as she attempts to calm down, she'd just competed her shift, she didn't expect it to [i]hurt[/i] so bad. [@SomeoneSomewere]