Enna whimpers softly as the boys hands leave her sidess, her head lifting to watch as flames begin to lick around their small hide-a-whide-a-way, her saw pulling back to reveal her now jagged two rows of teeth. Forcing her paws under her belly, Enna rose shakily to her feet and gently took his shirt in between her teeth and tugged gently, her wars flattening against her skull as both Xeinae backed away and lowered their bags. Releasing the fabric from her teeth, Enna moved forward and snapped at their feet, lifting her head and then snapping at their stomachs. The collar moving fluidly as she steps back and snarls, both step away and gape, their eyes shifting in color before fading. The slowly reached for their bags and turned, their quiet murmurs filing the air, Enna chuffs and allows her now aching legs to fold until she's on her belly once more. She was so tired...so tired all of a sudden. "Sad how low Enna Raine is when you see her on the floor" Come the soft voices from the inside of the Auditorium, Enna blinks her suddenly heavy eyes and feels herself relax. [@SomeoneSomewere]