Name of Nation: The Hellenic Republic of Yonistan ([b]Ionian:[/b] λληνική Φολιδεα Ιονιστανιης ,[b]Araboi Script[/b]: فلتدي يونيسن ) Leader Name: Prime Minister Kalypso Metaxa Location On Map: [hider] [img][/img] [/hider] Type of Government: Parliamentary Republic Flag: [img][/img] Brief History (2 to 3 paragraphs minimum): The origins of the Arachosian state begins with the conquests of Alexander the Great and the creation of the Selucid Empire after his death. The Greco-Bactrian Kingdom was created around 250 BC by a rebel satrap named Diodotos, creating the easternmost point in the Hellenistic World, and one of the richest and most urbanized kingdoms in the East. When the Seleucid Empire was destroyed by the Ptolemaic Empire, the Bactrian Kingdom became cut off from the rest of the western world when the Parthians created their own Empire. They had not extended much except for into Ferghana, until the conquests of the general Demetrios Aniketos, who extented the Greek territories into the Indus River Valley following the fall of the Maurya Empire. From here, the Greeks established many kingdoms, the greatest being that of the Punjab centered king Menander. Menander was well renowned as a conquer, and soon, he began unifying the various countries of the Indo-Greeks and Greco-Bactrians. Soon after, Menander began invading northwest India. During the two centuries of their rule, the Indo-Greek kings combined the Greek and Indian languages and symbols, and blended Hindu, Buddhist and ancient Greek religious practices. Buddhism was declared the official religion of the Indo-Greek State. The Indo-Greeks became a powerhouse at this time, annexing more of the northwest of India and taking back lost parts of Bactria that were stolen by Steppe Nomads. However, the Indo-Greek Power was not to last, and soon the nomadic Indo-Scythians began vicious raids upon the state, and while the Scythians were ultimately repelled, the unified nation could not handle the stress of a later Parthian and Kushian invasion. The Kingdom fell to pieces, with much of the Indian conquests reverting back. However, the Greek Culture stayed strong, except in the far North where the Kushans reigned supreme. During this period, many small hellenistic kingdoms rose up, and began conquering and fighting each other, the only real threats being the rising Sassanian Empire in the East and Gupta Empire in the East who often took chunks of land from the hellenic nations, but by the year 400 AD, the Indus River Valley was a still a hellenistic region, with descendant languages of Greek popping up, Old Arachosian, Taxillian, and Eschatese among the most significant. Around 643 AD traders from the west arrived near the Indus River from the Arabian Peninsula, bringing their strange customs to the Indo-Greek States; of particular interest was the traders' strange beliefs. It was only a matter of time before the Arabs would conquer the region they called Al-Yuna. The Indo-Greek area was absorbed as a frontier territory for the Umayyad Caliphate. For the most part, this era was uneventful, with the longest time of peace since the long passed Indo-Greek Kingdom. With the security of the Umayyads, the Indo-Greeks began returning to their historic lands, returning Hellenic culture to places it was long lost. In addition, Islam began spreading rapidly among the Indo-Greeks, moving beyond trade centers. Due to its central position, the city of Alexandria Arachosia became a regional power within Al-Yuna. During the decline and fall of the Umayyads, the Indo-Greeks managed to fight their way to independence, establishing a large nation centered around the Indus River loyal to the Umayyads as the Abbasid Dynasty rose to power. The new Sultanate of Yunistan was constantly at war with the Abbasids, granted they were never considered a true theat by the Caliphs, and as such never were faced against major armies. That changed when the Sultanate was conquered by the Mongol forces of the Ilkhanate. Eventually however, the Ilkhanate would disintegrate, followed shortly after by the Timurids. However, before the Timurids could conquer the Yona, they began a counter offensive, with another great general named Demitrios leading the offensive against them using tactics developed from centuries of fighting steppe nomads and learning what they had under the Mongol Rule. Through the actions of Demitrios, the 2nd Sultanate of Yonistan had been established from the Ashes. Demitrios decided to extend the rule of the Empire once more, and with the blessings of the Sultan, attacked India, once again taking back many historical territories, and later taking an army to conquer territories in Central Asia. Through the establishment of a strong military, Yonistan was able to defend itself and establish a long golden age after so many ages of subjugation and fragmentation. The great nation of Yonistan was a powerhouse on a global level, attracting many European and East Asian traders. The Yonistanis had become a nation of Bactrian, Persian, Arab, Mongol and Indian influences on a Greek base. They became close allies with the Ottomans, accepting their leader as the Caliph, and learning much from them through trade. The Yonistanis started adopting the capture of children to form an elite fighting force from the Ottomans, using Indians instead of Christians. These children were converted and taught to speak Ionian and Classical Greek, along with traditional logic and classical education. They were named the Hetairoi (ἑταῖροι), after the Elite Fighters of the Macedonian Soldiers who gave rise to the Yonastanis. During the European Age of Colonialism, Yonistan became targeted by the British and French Empires, but for the most part the Yonistanis were able to resist the efforts of colonization and often went to war with any colonial powers who got too close to them. Inspite of their heritage, many nations no longer saw the Yonistanis as Europeans. By the Industrial Age, Yonistan was one of the first truly industrial nations, and built extensive infrastructure to boost their production. WW1 proved disasterous for the Yonistanis, with them supporting their long standing ally the Ottomans, who had begun to decline significantly, and when the Central Powers fell, Yonistan was brought under British rule as part of the Treaty of Versailles. However, they once again rebelled during World War 2 and managed to free themselves, and then resigning as soon as possible from the war. By the Modern Era, Yonistan had begun the shift over to a democratic government, and once again became a regional power, once again on the rise to a major power, and by the year 2015, they were indeed so, with a very powerful military, including nuclear weapons. Yonistan has enough power to get much of what it wants done. Their last major battle was with the Caliphate of Ethiopia, a renegade nation formed by an Islamic Radicalist revolution (that it is possible Yonistan created). Yonistan saw the need to end them, and using an excuse of supposed attack on their land, attacked and ruined the nation, turning Ethiopia into a failed state with no government simply to prove a point about their military. Main Export (Up to 3): Automotives, Weapons, Foods Main Import (Up to 3): Computers, Oil, Opium Cultural Description: Yonistan is Greek at core, with many of their traditions dating back to the Classical Era. However, the presences of native Iranians like the Bactrians and Steppe Nomads shows very much in them, particularly in their language and philosophy, even the name of the country (Land of the Greeks in Persian). Mongol and Scythian influence created the affinity for cavalry that the Yonistanis have, leading to the creation of the Hetairoi for example, as an homage to the old Macedonians and their new future. Music is oddly very much like that found in European Greece, in a strange case of convergent evolution due to similar circumstances. Drama remains significant in Yonistan, evolving into the modern artform of Cinema, which is very highly renouned, Yonistan dominating over the Cinema Industry. Founding Day celebrates the arrival of the Macedon Army and the Independence of the Modern Republic, on this day reenactments of the Macedonians will be done for the entire day. The Architecture of Yonistan shows much influence from the Indians, with the traditional Greek style almost non existent. The Largest Cities are (in order): Alexandria Arachosia, Sagala, Buchara, Markanda, Taxilia, Demetrias, Alexandria Eschate, and Alexandria on the Oxus. Main Religion: Islam is the major religion of Yonistan, with approximately 85% of the population being muslims adhering to the Hanafi school of Sunni Islam. Remaining religions include Buddhism (5%), Greek Polytheism (4%), Hinduism (2%), Christianity (2%), and Shia Islam (2%). The offical language of Yonistan is Ionian, derived primarily from the Arachosian Greek langauge. Other recognized languages include Greek, Bactrian, Rajput, Punjabi, and Persian. Character Sheet Name of Character: Kalypso Metaxa Appearance: Kalypso is a 5'3" tall yona woman. She has dark brown skin, green eyes, and dark reddish hair. She has an affinity for long trenchcoats and and wears them in addition to her hijab. Her coat often has a pin of the Macedonian Sun on the rim of her coat breastpocket. Race: Yona (Yonas generally look Greek, but somewhat darker. They would be best described a mix of Indians, Persians and Greeks in terms of their appearance) Religion: Islam Age: 27 Occupation: Prime Minister of Yonistan Biography Kalypso was born in the city of Sagala to a Yona father and a Punjabi mother. Her parents were middle class buisness people, and Kalypso often traveled with her father on many trips to important places like France, England, The City State of New York, and Mongolia. Her favorite was her time in France, and learned to speak French as a result. She also learned Punjabi from her mother. Kalypso studied medicine at the University of Demetrias, and after her time was up in school, she enlisted as a soldier in the Yonistani Military, and through her actions in the attack on Ethiopia, she was raised reassigned to the modern Hetairoi, no longer a regiment of kidnap victims but elite soldiers. She only remained in the Hetairoi for 2 years before leaving. Using her status as an elite soldier to gather support (despite spending very little time with them), Kalypso was elected to a 6 year term as prime minister of Yonistan. Kalypso is often critisized by her opponents due to her militaristic mind, quick to try and suggest war as an end all solution, this puts her at odds with the senate many times, and makes many question if she is truly fit to rule