Pons and Wallach watched as 3 girls fell onto the ground they had recently vacated. Pons looked at Wallach and said, "Are you as flabbergasted as I am?" Wallach said, "If by flabblerglasted, you mean wowed, then yes. Um... My name is Wallach. Who are you?" Pons replied, "My name is Pons. Where are you from Wallach?" "I'm from Russia. Um... I don't know how to ask this without sounding rude. Are you a boy or a girl?" Pons smiled reassuringly, "Don't worry, I don't take offense at that question, and I hear it all the time. I am both and either or." Having been thoroughly confused by Pons' answer, Wallach decides it is best to keep his troublesome mouth closed and just observe as Lady Violetta escorts the 3 girls over to where he and Pons are.