Ok guys this is the OCC for the Yu-gi-oh Scattered Memories rp. So lets get started with the basics, starting with rules. 1. [color=00aeef][u][b]None of the Crazy Banned Cards Allowed:[/b][/u][/color] This means cards that have no real drawback. What I mean, is cards like monster reborn, mirror force, Raigeki, Harpies Feather Duster, etc, I'm sure you get what I'm saying. 2. [color=00aeef][u][b]Rare Monster Cards that characters in the show use:[/b][/u][/color] Doesn't really make sense if a character uses a monster card that only has 1 of it's kind and only was own by a well known character (expect Dark Magician and Elemental Heroes. It's been proven that there are multiples of those cards). The only way that I will approve is if you can make a convincing story in the rp about how you got those cards. 3. [color=00aeef][u][b]Try to be reasonable when in a duel:[/b][/u][/color] If you are facing a human player (actual person of the rp) no otks' unless the other agrees to it. Make it to where both players are ok with the outcome. If you're playing against npc type characters (your made up or other's made up character) then the situation should be fine unless the person controlling that npc doesn't want an otk. Just be reasonable (No God modding). 4.[color=00aeef][u][b] If you are going to seriously involve yourself in the main story, please be active:[/b][/u][/color] If you think you are going to be away for a while, please rp yourself out of the story temporarily. Things like being inactive, can damage the story, so please be considerate to others, if that time comes. 5. [color=00aeef][u][b]Have fun, this is a rp for yugioh so have fun with it.[/b][/u][/color] [color=00aeef][u][b]Character Sheet[/b][/u][/color] Name: Age: Deck Theme: (Can be none if you aren't using a themed deck) Ace Monster: (Basically like what Dark Magician is to Yugi) Summon Method: (It can be Synchro summon, XYZ summon, Fusion summon, Ritual summon, Pendulum summon, or...Phase Shift summon) Features: (Describe your character's looks and what they wear) Information: Tell use about your character, or you can put unknown if your character is meant to be mysterious. Last but not least the new summoning method, Phase Shift Summoning. [color=00aeef][u][b]Phase Shift Fusion[/b][/u][/color] Phase Monsters: There will be 2 types of monsters. There are A monsters and B monsters, we call them phase monsters (like how tuner monsters are called tuner monsters). A and B phase monsters have A or B symbols on it to show what phase it is, showing that it is a phase A or B monster. Phase Shift Summon: You can only phase shift summon with an A and B Phase monster together. Both have to be on the field. The Phase Shift (Phase Shift Fusion) monster can only be summoned by A and B phase monsters whose levels combine equal the Phase Shift Monster. It's almost like xyz combined with synchro monsters. So here is an example of Phase Shift Summoning. Sion: I normal summon the A Phase level 4 monster in attack mode! I activate a spell card that lets me summon a phase B level 4 monster in defense mode! So I special summon a Phase B monster in face up defense mode. I have a A and B Phase monster on the field. I activate the power of the Phase Shift Fusion network to combine my monsters together to create the level 8 Phase Shift Monster from the extra deck in attack mode! Phase Shift Monsters: When you Phase Shift Summon a monster, the monsters that were used to summon that monster become overlays. Phase Shift Monsters have two different stats (attk and def) and effects. When a Phase Shift Monster is summoned you have to choose to start at either A phase or B phase. When you choose a Phase, the overlay monster with that same phase is sent to the graveyard. Like mentioned before, a Phase Shift monster has 2 different types of stats (attk and def). Whichever Phase you choose when the monster was summoned, that monster gets the attack and defense of that phase along with the effect of the phase it is in. Phase Shift: When a Phase Shift monster uses it's phase effect (the phase you chose when you summoned it) it changes it's phase to the opposite phase at the end of the turn. You also have to sent the opposite phase overlay to the graveyard. Also when the monster changes it's phase it takes on the attack, defense, and effect of the other phase. For instance, you have a phase shift monster with 2200 attk, 1800 def, and is in Phase A. When you use it's phase A effect it changes to Phase B at the end of the turn. That monster now has 2500 attk, 1500 def, and now has it's Phase B effect instead of its Phase A. Phase Shift Over-shift: This is one of the weaknesses of Phase Shift Monsters. When a Phase Shift Monster uses all of its Phase Overlays it can use Over shift. Before I explain over shift, I will explain that when a Phase Shift monster has used all of it's overlays it can't use any of it's effects and it's attk and def will remain at the last phase it was in before it used up its Phase Overlays. Over shift will allow you to choose which phase you want your Phase Shift Monster to change into. When you do this you are able to use that phase effect during that turn. If you do this, the monster is removed from play, at the end of the turn the effect was used. When a phase shift monster is destroyed by battle or card effect (other than cards that remove a monster from play) it is sent to the graveyard like other monsters. Normal Revival: If you revive a phase shift monster by other means (call of the haunted or cards like it), it is summoned to the field without Phase overlays. When it is summoned it automatically goes into Phase Shift Over-Shift mode, and just like normally using Over-shift mode it is removed from play at the end of the turn it was summoned. In situations when Phase shift support makes it that a Phase Shift monster is special summoned from the graveyard with overlays it will not go into Over-Shift mode. Instead it will act as a normal phase shift summon and use an overlay to go into a phase. If it is special summoned from the graveyard with only 1 phase overlay it will automatically use that overlay and go into that phase. If it is special summon from the graveyard with 2 phase overlays you can choose which phase to go into (unless the card you used to summon it says otherwise), and that monster will go into that phase. A benefit to Phase Summon: When a Phase shift monster is removed from play. You can revive it by Phase Shift summoning it while it is removed from play. All you need to do is do the normal phase shift method but instead of summoning from the extra deck you summon from the remove from play graveyard. You cannot phase shift Summon the monster if it is in the graveyard.