Selie’re too took a look at the middle aged man who entered the place. She wasn’t completely sure what he was exactly, but had some vague ideas.[color=ed1c24]” Resembles a monk, but probably not… surely a magical user of sorts… somewhat reminds me of an elementalist I saw some years back.”[/color] Selie’re replied shortly. As part of the Blade dancers another aspect of her training was observation and this man had the air of a seasoned veteran around him. She maybe didn’t know his precise nature, but she knew a strong person when she saw one. Soon after the employers appeared. After the following conversation between the two, Selie’re smiled, so those were the high priest and the head wizard of Navire. It was always a pleasure when your mission was going to well all by itself. The High priest seemed an alright fellow as for the Head wizard, well some additional investigation was going to be needed in the future, but there was no need for rushing. She had years to finish this assignment. [color=ed1c24] “I saw it on my way to Navire.” [/color]Selie’re replied to the question of their employer.[color=ed1c24]” As majestic as the place looked, I sensed danger from it. Most likely it was from the monsters that tend to gather around many of the Maus.”[/color] The arcana said, looking at Cid. Then she noticed the late arrival… he seemed like a badger! While somewhat cute looking, he went ahead and poked the armored warrior. The Blade dancer could see how this might turn out ugly if the man’s trained instincts made him attack the person who approached him from behind. So with some quick elegant moves, she was immediately next to the badgerman ready to block any instinctive actions from the armored warrior.[color=ed1c24]” You missed nothing too important. Now if you will, it’s not polite to approach people from the back.”[/color] She stated, trying to make him move forward to not stay behind the armored warrior.