Name: Ferrinas Onyx Gray Sex: Male Age: 17 Race: Human Appearance: Ferrinas is very tall with jet black messy hair and sharp features. His eyes are the color of molten steel (a red-tinted gray). He likes to wear a big leather duster with a white glove and steel toed combat boots, usually with dark gray shirt and pants underneath. He is very fit with a wiry lean yet muscular build. His most notable feature is his robotic right arm and leg. His arm has three different forms each very different from each other (see weapons). His leg is a simple silvery gray and, other than the obvious, looks normal. He has heavy scarring all over his body with a chararctaistic scar on his face that runs from his hairline, down across his right eye and his mouth ending on his chin. Personality: Ferrinas acts upbeat and is quick to laugh. It seems like nothing fazes him. He is very smart and is considered an upcoming technological genius. He also has a smart mouth ready to shoot off at anyone in authority or anyone trying to intimidate him. However, Araris is also hardworking and practical when he needs to be. He's skilled at deception and a good liar. He always does what he thinks needs done and screw the consequences. He does not get along well with others and prefers to spend most of his time alone. Sometimes when he is alone he broods on philosophy. Height: 195.58 centimeters Weight: 98kg (the arm and leg weigh much more than normal) Color: Dark Gray (like iron) Weapons: In his left hand he weilds a massive, curved katana as long as his body. His right arm is his main weapon. It resembles a claw in all three forms. The first form is his usual, it is the weakest and the longest with a sleek silver-gray coloring. The second is much shorter and resembles a demonic claw/hand and is colored black with dark red highlights when this form is out, Ferrinas can go into a berzerker rage. Due to this, the second form is bad for his mental health. The third form is his strongest and strangest looking. He can fire progectiles out of the cannon on its palm, everything from bullets to missles, even pure elemantal power. However, his third form can overheat causing him increadable pain. Each one can incorerate Dust into their attacks in different ways. [hider= Just to give the inspiration behind his arm, because I suck at discriprions. ;) ] [img][/img] [/hider] Semblance: Semblance of Iron: When he activates his sembance he sees blue lines from his chest that led to any iron. (or any metal with a high iron content) He can mentaly access the lines and Push or Pull on the iron. If he Pushes against something heavier that he is, he will be sent flying in the opposite direction. If he Pushes agaist something lighter than he is, it will be sent flying in that direcion. The reverse is true for Pulling. However, iron in someone's body, even just a little, cannot be pushed or pulled on. He can only push or pull from his center of gravity. His semblance can be blocked by anothor's Aura preventing him from manipulating an opponant's weapon or clothing if it is within the range of the opponant's Aura. Backstory: Most of his life was normal. Both of his parents were good hunters, so they were not home often and he was raised by his grandparents, both of them retired hunters. When he was ten, his grandmother died and a year later his grandfather died. He then lived with one of his parents untill he was old enough to begin training to be a hunter. Unfortunately, when he was fifteen the craft he and his parents were on malfuntioned and crashed, killing his parents. By some miracle Ferrinas survived but with horrible injuries and his right arm and leg were crushed. He spent a year coping with his injuries, beliving that he whould never become a hunter. But then, a medical science breakthrough provided some hope. The scientist found that with correct technology and alot of Dust, mechanical parts could be grafted on to a person and connected directly to the subjuct's brain, bypassing any inherent lameness or nerve damage. Eagerly Ferrinas contacted them and volunteered for a prototype. At first they wanted to give him a normal looking arm, but he declined and personaly desined his own weaponized arm. The procedure was a success, barring a few side affects and small control problems. A year later he has been accepted at Beacon and is already making a name for himself there. Song: Radioactive by Imagine Dragons