"Yeah, sure. One second." Kheshig said loudly in response to Condor. It had only been a few minutes since he had returned to his room, but the lingering stench of burnt solder convinced him that some time away would do him good. Besides, a beer was always welcome, and it gave him a chance to know more about at least one member of his new team. He walked over to his cabinet and opened his closet, pulling out a box that contained several other hard drives. Some of them contained little more than rough schematics, others had complex calculations and simulations. Kheshig chucked the hard drive containing the day's security footage into the box and unceremoniously kicked it back into his closet. He shut the doors and exited the room, nearly running straight into Condor had he not stopped himself in time. "And I have a name. Two of them, in fact." He said dryly as he shut his door and locked it. "I would not mind joining you for a drink. My room still smells like a workshop, and I could do with some time away from my work, as odd as it may seem for me." [@Genni]