[quote=@Skythikon] "Yeah, sure. One second. And I have a name. Two of them, in fact. I would not mind joining you for a drink. My room still smells like a workshop, and I could do with some time away from my work, as odd as it may seem for me." [/quote] [color=7ea7d8]"I know you have two names,"[/color] Condor replied with a smile as she yanked one of the cans from the plastic holder and passed it across to her teammate, [color=7ea7d8]"But I didn't think 'Nerd' was appropriate, given the circumstances."[/color] Pulling a can off for herself Condor easily cracked it open with one hand before taking a swig of the hoppy goodness. [color=7ea7d8]"Any word on the others yet?"[/color] She asked, genuinely concerned. If anything happened to the other team her position could be compromised, and this safe house was the best place she'd stayed in years. She'd hate to have to leave just because someone else screwed up. [color=7ea7d8]"I was kinda expecting them to beat us back here."[/color] As she made her way back towards the living room Condor pulled her bathrobe closed and fastened it with the sash around her waist. Birdseed seemed just as upset as she'd been a few moments before, munching down pretzels one after another, so Condor turned and made her way over towards the kitchen where she hoisted herself up onto one of the stools at the breakfast bar.