[@Pripovednik] It seems like you neglected the Pyshical shape and personality section some what. I understand the latter though, it can be difficult to write down a personality properly. Hence I suggested you take a look at what others have created so far. :) I also personally, find all the pictures of clothing a bit overkill and off putting. (But that's not a reason for not being accepted yet.) Your background also contradicts itself a few times, mentioning you stole from multiple houses but that you got caught stealing on your first ever house. Things like ''Paying rent- stealing shit'' comes across as uninterested to the reader. Please do not be offended, I find it very difficult to offer criticism to others because I do not like hurting other people. I suggest taking your time and polishing your character sheet up a bit. :) (If you're still interested that is.) Edit: A homemade spear is not impossible but seems to me very impractical in its use. You also mention being set free, but from there on there isn't anything else about what happened then. (Assuming you got set free at the start of the outbreak, or a few days in.)