[Hider=Arix Vaas] [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2015/017/a/9/silver_hair_by_cursedapple-d8e8o4q.jpg[/img] Name: Arix Vaas Species: Echani Age: 15 Faction: Jedi Order Rank: Padawan Captive. [Hider=Appearance] Arix looks like most other young echani--so much so that, without knowing how to read body language like an echani, he would seem the same as most of them. At fifteen he is tall and lean for his age and in notably excellent condition, notably toned with wiry muscle and trim of fat from the admittedly excessive training he subjects himself to. His eyes are a dark slate, his hair a chin-length shag of silver but for the thin, trailing braid of his station. He has no noticeable scars and traditionally a calm, somber expression. [/hider] [Hider=Notable Race Traits] Aside from his race's cultural talent of using body language to predict maneuvers in battle, there is little that separates an echani from a lithe, well-toned human of similar stature but their silver hair, grey eyes, and remarkably slight genetic diversity. That being said, Arix like the rest of his kind has been trained in the echani martial art, and as such is a combatant of note even unarmed. [/Hider] [Hider=Personality, Motivation and Flaws] Arix wants very badly to be the model Jedi. He walks like a Jedi and talks like a Jedi, but he [i]isn't[/i] one really. Not yet. He [i]feigns[/i] poise, but inside he is unbalanced, undone--and so [i]angry[/i]. Try as he will to let go of his disdain for the lazy or the weak, it is only because he knows he should that he treats them with the humility and respect they 'deserve' rather than ignoring them completely. A perfectionist, it pains him to leave a task unfinished or an art unperfected, and so he prefers to master one talent before bridging to the next. For all his flaws, however, he truly believes in the ideal of the Jedi as Warrior Peacekeepers, heroes and heroins standing for justice and truth in a galaxy that can't protect itself without them. He believes it enough to die for it, and suffer for it...but does he believe that he'll ever be one of them? More in question. [b]Flaws[/b]: Of the many flaws Arix has, perhaps his most defining is his belief in himself. Call it confidence, willpower, arrogance, whatever--Arix is [i]stubborn[/i]. He has never met a challenge he was willing to admit was beyond him, never seen a feat that he does not believe he could come to equal given time. Approaching problems with his strongest foot forward, his grasp of subtlety extends into swordplay and that is absolutely it. Absolutely willing to bash his way through a problem if there is any hope of success, it is this willingness to self-abuse and sacrifice that fuels his perfectionism. Arix is a Jedi, and all that implies--at least, he sees himself as one, and strives to achieve it. But his drive to be the best, to perfect what he applies his attention to can breed a contempt for others that he must temper. An individual capable of great sacrifice and feats of heroism, he often finds himself looking to the people he is to protect and wondering just what about them is so [i]worth[/i] protecting. It does not make him a great Jedi, but he is confident that he will overcome his feeling of superiority, that the satisfaction in a job well done for its own sake will overcome his occasionally scathing opinions. While most know of Arix' cold and aloof behavior, biting criticism and obsession with perfecting himself, it isn't known to many quite how far he resists the slide. Having given into to the Dark Side once before and felt the strength, the confidence, the puissance that came with it, his dip in the water was alarmingly comfortable. Still, in the face of the Sith, he is no longer certain that fighting fire with fire is such a terrible idea. If it's what will keep him alive, possibly long enough to carve a way for himself and others out of the Sith compounds, then so be it. [/hider] [Hider=Skills] As an echani, Arix was raised with the understanding that combat was the truest form of communication. Practically from birth he has trained in the echani martial art, a practice he was careful to continue as part of his conditioning as a padawan, and as such is a surprisingly proficient martial artist for his age. His true talent, however, lies in his saberwork: Arix has all the potential to be one of the best lightsaber duelists of his age. Having poured his time and energy into his swordsmanship, even as a padawan Arix demonstrates a truly impressive proficiency in the Makashi, Form II. The style's focus on precision and efficiency appealed to him, and his competitive nature made it a natural focus over more practical forms such as Soresu or Niman. Though by no means a master, he has moved on from the basic forms of the style to a higher level of practice commonly associated with the rare Knights devoted to the style, able to attack and defend with minimal effort and focus sufficiently to resist the Force attacks of an opponent. He has also learned to appreciate and utilize the somewhat esoteric art of trakata in his bladework, taking advantage of the lightsaber's ability to turn off to throw his opponents off balance and take advantage of superior positioning and distance control. With his Master's assistance he has begun cross-training in Form V, both the reverse-grip Shien style and the more powerful Djem So variant, as methods to overcome the potential weaknesses of his preferred style, leading to a surprisingly fluid combatant style for one of his age. Utilizing multiple grips on his blade, seeking coverage for his weaknesses and his unrelenting dedication to his training have made him a saberist beyond his years.. At the expense of most other basic skills. With only meager ability to do anything but muscle his way through his problems, Arix has run into the very real possibility that he might have gotten himself into a trap he can't smash his way out of. [/hider] [Hider=Force Capabilities] Arix possesses a solid smattering of the basic abilities, with a particular focus on Force Speed--he is notably above others of his peer group and demonstrates a natural affinity for it. His true talent, however, is something a bit darker. Arix has once before tapped into the strength of will that is Force Rage, and was alarmed enough both by the sensation of walking that dark road and the pain he very nearly caused his master to swear off its use. That he remembers how good it felt is not something he is proud of. [/hider] [hider=Biography] Arix can't remember a time when he didn't want to be a Jedi. As a young boy he knew them to be the heroes they were--beacons against an uncaring and vicious universe, asking nothing and giving everything for the sake of others. They stood for right, freedom from oppression, order over chaos, and he craved that. [i]He[/i] wanted to be he hero of the story, the handsome Knight that lead the charge, the back his companions watched in awe as he did the impossible because it was the right thing to do. It was the most natural thing in the world that he was found to be gifted in the force, one of relative many of his people, and taken in to be trained as a Jedi at the age of nine. He came to find out, of course, that the truth was far from how he dreamed it--not of the Jedi, but himself. He knew what the Jedi stood for, that they must be generous, compassionate, wise...and he saw none of those things in himself. Petty in a way he would never have imagined, his burning desire to stand as one of the august Knights was matched only by his disappointment at finding so little in himself of worth. It was only through effort, then, that he could be one of them. If he wasn't so naturally suited to the task he would force himself to be by sheer strength of will, come what may. And so Arix became cold, distant, focused. He couldn't afford errors--he had to be perfect. With what was at stake, what could be at stake, there was simply no other acceptable option. Too slow with a blade and someone could die. Too fast with a temper and someone could die. Jedi were meant to lead by example, and if he wanted to be one of them he would need to be the best of them, above reproach. The lightsaber, symbol of the Jedi to the galaxy at large, became his fixation--he felt the Force most naturally with it in hand, felt it flow through him more easily as he slid through its katas, and so it seemed natural to him that this was where he should devote himself. While the Force may be fickle, his dedication to the Light in question, all he had to do to be a superior duelist was be perfect. He could do that. A model student, he gave all the right answers and acted precisely as a Jedi should, but it was a cold thing--it lacked sincerity, was rigid and doctrinal instead of warm and genuine. Done for its own sake, their principles ran hollow--but it was then that he became the padawan learner of Master Marichel Sint. The Jedi was powerful, poised, and she [i]felt[/i] with such honest compassion that Arix was captivated. She taught him to see combat--and, more importantly, communication--on a grander scale, to realize that communication was the [i]point[/i] and that only by embodying that would he ever achieve as he hoped to. She made him see the worth in his lessors, the value in every life and the sanctity of protecting it. She made him feel whole when he was so worried that he would never be who he should. Under her training he has, in many ways, begun to blossom as a Jedi. By providing him focus for his passion and aggressive perfectionism, she helps put him in balance. Still, he is somewhat frustrated at his lack of progression. Having spent six years in the order and become the equal of many full fledged Knights in lightsaber combat, it is frustrating that he is considered not ready for the Trials. Commonly touted as too focused on the physicality of the Jedi and too interested in combat, he only recently begun to focus on what that [i]means[/i]--in the same way as every other obstacle in his life, Arix intends to focus on any objections and overcome them through main force of will. [/hider] [Hider=Player’s Long Term Goals] Light Side: If Arix can learn to subordinate his rage, to let it serve and protect others instead of avenge them then he would truly be a force to be reckoned with. Willing to give everything of himself and his spirit to stand strong where another under his protection might fail, peace would turn him from a troubled young man into a living force, a man in tune with his natural purpose with the Force flowing strongly through him. Dark Side: Arix is proud, willful, independent and [i]angry[/i]. The Sith have taken the only woman he ever truly cared about from him, the only person who made him feel worthy of the power he wields, and if he cannot forgive them for that then he could very well succumb to his need to slay them for it. Giving in to his rage in its entirety he could reveal himself as a powerful weapon in the eyes of a suitable manipulator, or simply get himself killed during his rampage. [/hider] Relations: To be decided. Final Point - Secrets: PM'd. [/Hider]