You know that feeling when you're sleeping in a unfamiliar bed? When you stay overnight at a hotel and there are not enough pillows, or the sheets or too thick? When the A/C isn't working? Yeah, Manny is feeling that way, x50. He explicitly asked for the nicest and most furnished room, and they gave him this. A drafty, single-bed (only full-sized mind you), beer-stained room with paper-thin walls. Apparently well finished meant a single half-dresser and a chest in the corner. Unacceptable. He cemented this establishment's place on the list of buildings to evict or burn. For now he sat up and silently screamed his discomfort into the night that was well drowned out by his annoyance and anger. He couldn't very well sleep in this room as is and decided to go for a late night stroll. Thankfully the oppressive sun had finally set, and the air was only mildly stifling. The town's atmosphere was actually less dreary at night, the cadence of the evening crickets were a peaceful contrast to the hostility of the day. In fact it actually surprised him to see a dim light coming from one of the quiet buildings. His curiosity piqued he investigates the storefront- it was the local undertakers. Is it customary for the dressers of the dead to work the night shift, surely it'd do the mind and body better to work the dead in the morning. Bah- must have been another quirk of the frontier. That being said, surely in a deadly frontier town such as this the undertaker must be making a killing(ha!) and Manny's entrepreneur in him screamed [i] exploit, exploit it now! Do eeeet![/i] And who has Manny to disagree? He sauntered over to the front door, and after finding it locked, gave 3 quick and loud knocks. "Hello. Anybody in there?"