[quote=@Rtron] I'm going to mention this now, perhaps unnecessarily. When we speak of 'Creations' here, we mean important creations. Heroes, specific monsters, entire races, major temples, etc. If you create a race that naturally reproduces, another God could play around with a faction of that population(until another God chases them off that is.) If Astartes creates an entire race of Ug the Cavemen, Saron can go convert a portion of them to his religion. Or turn them into forging cyclopes. Or just smite a portion of them. Maybe drive his own race to war with them. Whatever suits his fancy. Naturally though, this might irritate the creating God. Saron cannot, however, exterminate the entire race without Frettzo's permission. In summary, you have to get permission to screw with major creations of a Player, but not for minor things. (If you feel something is minor, and the creator says it's major, talk to me or Kho. We'll mediate.) [/quote] Perhaps this is a good time to bring up a note on the Mermen and Kamiv: The Merpeople are fairly free, but they are still rather strongly under the influence of the Sea God (being, you know, under the sea), but they are of their own will and I wouldn't mind up to 30 or 40 percent of them being converted to various other gods. The Great Kamiv, on the other hand, are ultra-loyal. No more than a few percent of them could be converted to anything other than borderline slavery under the iron fist of the Kraken. If the mega-loyalty of the Kamiv is a problem to anyone, let me know.