The hustle and bustle of the Navire market almost overwhelmed Rinn as he sat atop Al'durian as she proudly strut among the commoners as they went about their daily lives. The hushed comments and darting glances was all part of something that he had becomed accustomed to since he had become Al'durian's rider, although in this new land Rinn was truly unsure weither the comments were about the white chocobo he was riding or the fact that a Torin who before have never left the Valerian borders was walking through their town. While they were walking through the dusty streets Rinn began to carry on a conversation with Al'durian, what seemed like nothing more than chirps and clucks was really a deep conversation between old friends. [i]"This is indeed a strange country Rinn. Everywhere there are my bretheren kept in confines and treated as beasts. Do not the people understand their worth as companions...and why do they allow their freedoms to be taken?"[/i] A deep sigh escaped Rinn, this was a subject that he had been dreading since he had arrived in this country. Al'durian had only ever known the freedom of Valeria where the chocobo were revered as sacred animals. Now, here in a country where they are more used as tools, she would be exposed to another view. [b][i]"They do not see them as the Valerians. They are beasts of burden, the ratha back home."[/i][/b] The loud and sudden KWEH!!, came as a loud and sudden screech as Al'durian began jerking like a spooked horse. The commoners quickly made a wide perimeter around the pair as Rinn did his best to calm his friend before the guards came and decided calm her more forcefully. [i]"HOW DARE THEY KEEP MY FAMILY IN CHAINS!! I SHALL BRING THE FULL WRATH OF KORENTHIN'DIR UPON THOSE RESPONSEABLE!!"[/i] Always one of over dramatics, Rinn thought as he calmly began to talk down the raging chocobo. [b][i]"This is their way Al' does not have to be ours. We understand the truth that they may not be ready to understand. Remember why we are here, their king has asked for our help. With him as an ally we can try and change their minds from the top down."[/i][/b] Hearing the ration thought Rinn was offering Al'durian calmed herself, to those who couldn't speak the language of the birds it appeared as calmed coos and chirps. As Rinn let out a deep sigh thinking that his troubles in this town were finally over, the sound of someone screaming in what Rinn could only guess as Northern Common somewhere to his right. Stepping off of Al'durian and walking over to where the sound originated. A bird-woman was having a rather violent sort of conversation with a portly shopkeep. Although he wasn't sure what the man was selling but whatever it was had seemd to fully upset the bird-woman, a Caelitis if he had to guess. As the woman moved to the cage and gently carressed it's contents Rinn suddenly knew why it was she was upset. The chocobos that he saw were small, malnurished, and were shaking in fear of the portly man. Now his anger was rising, but he thought more of Al'durian and her reaction if she saw this atrocity. Deciding to take action on his own Rinn quickly moved to the bird-woman's side and quickly whispered into her ear in the language of the birds, [b][i]"Keep calm and have faith. Our friends shall be free soon."[/i][/b] Walking over to the portly vendor Rinn stood erect and glaring hard at the vendor. [b]"You there, why do you keep your wares in such poor condition?"[/b] "Alright listen buddy, I've already had to deal with the bird I will not deal with a knife-ear with an attitude so you can either buy something or back the hell off." Knife-ear. A term he was becoming more and more familiar with as he traveled through this new land. It was a word with a duragatory meaning pointed towards the shape of his ears. Something that he took little stock in. [b]"You are to remove your stock from their confines and take them to the docks where you are to put them on a ship bound to Valeria at once."[/b] "Oh yeh, on who's authority?" [b]"By order of the Korenthin'dir, Patron Diety of the kingdom of Valeria and by me Rinn the White, Knight Commander of the Watch of Valeria![/b] "No you listen here, I am not sending my wares across the seas for the sake of some Fat Chocobo..." Before the man had finished his sentence Rinn had drawn the sword at his side and held it to the man's throat. It was one thing to wield personal comments about him, but attacking the patron of his people was one thing that Rinn would not stand for. [b]"I have traveled many miles, traversed many seas to reach this place by order of your king Cid Highwind II. I have come to your city with the intentions of helping him in whatever he should ask of me, but everytime I hear the Patron of my People slandered in such fashion my hand becomes a little more unstable. Plus you not onlyoffend me but you offend her..."[/b] With a nodding gesture Rinn directed the mans attention to Al'durian who had moved to the mans right side. The sound that eminated from his friend could only be described as a growl in bird form as she began scratching the dusty ground with her talons and glaring at the man with such furosity that Rinn actually feared for the mans life at one point. [b]"...So now, as I said before release the chocobo's...NOW!!"[/B] With haste the man moved to release the chains that held his 'wares' quickly ushering them out. As the frightened creatures slowly made their way out of the cage they looked up to Rinn who looked at both he and Al'durian with the look anyone would have after being saved. In their language Rinn comforted them assuring them that would be taken care of and sent to a land where they would be free to do as they chose. The oldest of the brood look to Rinn and Al'durian and simply spoke, [i]"Thank you, you will be remembered as long as my family lives.[/i] With a simple nod and a widening smile Rinn sent them on their way and turned back to the bird-woman and gestured for her to follow him, continuing to speak in Bird Common. [b][i]"I am sorry you had to see that Most Honored Bird-kin. These westerners have little reguard for our kin. I am Rinn of the White and this is my friend Al'durian."[/i][/b]