Was that a compliment he heard? Well, either way, Kheshig was never one to simply accept praise; ego was good to have, but he liked to keep it in check with doses of reality. It kept him humble and down-to-earth, useful qualities in a job where thinking too highly of yourself could lead to failure or even death. "If she were more like me, you would be on your own distracting everyone in the shop." He said matter-of-factly. [i]Not that you would have any trouble.[/i] He added in his head. The last time Kheshig had ever seen a woman naked - or semi-naked - had been when he was garrisoned in Zhejiang close to a decade ago. [quote]"I've learnt to eat when I can, life's a little tougher when you're on your own without some huge organisation covering your back every second."[/quote] "The Ministry never covered my back, otherwise I would not be here." Kheshig replied. In all his years with the Ministry, he had only received state-sanctioned support only once or twice, and usually from army units who were just as likely to shoot him as they did the enemy. Other times, it was all down to Kheshig's ability to play up his illegitimate birth and lower-class sensibilities to curry favours with local gangs or once, even the local triad branch. "They gave me a target, mission parameters and left it at that. Everything else was up to me, or on me, depending on how things went." [quote]"This place is a mansion compared to what I'm used to, especially the pool house, I could really get used to a home like this, If it weren't for the company."[/quote] Kheshig took a long swig from his can, if only to give him a reason to tilt his head back to avoid looking at Condor's cleavage without looking ridiculous. Part of him wondered if she was doing it on purpose, and the other part oddly hoped that she was. It was a feeling he did not like, and would address later on when he maintained his rifle. "You wound me, and here I thought we were making progress." Kheshig said with a hint of a smile. He was beginning to warm up to this Condor, but he did not rule out her cordiality as being a ruse. "But I agree. I have seen many safehouses, but this one is by far the best, though perhaps not the most discreet." [quote]"What's wrong, you don't like the way I look? If it's the bathrobe you just have to say the word and I'll happily take it off for you."[/quote] He had caught sight of her nipple, and while that had brought upon a most unprofessional blush on his face, Kheshig somehow managed to find some courage within him to say his next words. "No, my problem is that I may like it too much." He said. Once his mind finally caught up with his mouth, he quickly added, "I mean that in the best of ways." That did not seem to make things any better. "I mean to say that you are attractive," He said in a flat tone, stating it as a fact rather than an observation. He drained his can, crushed it and tossed it into the thrash can. "I would have it if you are not going to," He said and took the last can from the loop. Maybe if he drank more, he would forget about everything that had happened over the last minute. [@Genni]