Cecelia'd had enough. Deciding to confront her older female teammate, she first reaches under the couch for the pack of cigarettes she has stashed, checked for the lighter in the half-used box, and gets up. As she starts walking from the living room, she formulates her argument and the current psychological evaluation she has picked up about Condor. Gathering every bit of anger and confidence in her body, she puts on a serious, stone-cold face and approaches Condor. [color=F26EFB]"For future reference, if you plan to talk bad about me, keep me out of earshot. I can pick out the backhanded comments that were for me as well. Someone must have hurt you on the deepest psychological levels for you to be this brutal towards an ally. You should know by now that I truly am sorry for what I did. I wish to now move past it. It's not something I'm proud of, nor will it happen in future missions, because [i]I know the consequences of those actions.[/i] It must be fear you've been hiding. Afraid of someone finding you. Afraid of someone coming after you, or someone you love. Are you just afraid to get too close to someone? Is that why all you've done since we've gotten back is tease, confuse, and push your own agenda? Namely revenge. Or is it depression you're trying to hide? All of the previous thoughts having happened and in the past tense? A loved one dead? Two? Three? No purpose left but to kill your loved ones' killer? And now you're hiding out with ex-feds and otherwise underground, erased operatives? You don't know who I know. Maybe I know the people who killed your lover. Or child. Or mother. I worked for an agency that [i]didn't exist.[/i] It got buried, but I have contacts that were transferred to the 'new' agency it became. I'm in no databases due to the agency-burying, so [i]I[/i] technically don't exist. Yet you toy with me? If you need me, or want to murder me, I'll be out back having a cig."[/color] Turning before the older woman could respond, she walked out of the safehouse and around back. Once in her favorite spot to smoke, which was hidden from all windows in the area, Cecelia starts shaking like a leaf and sobbing quietly for a minute. [color=F26EFB][i]I hate when I'm talked about behind my back. Even more so when I can [b]hear[/b] the horrible words said about me. If I didn't know better, suicide would be a good option. No, it would still be a good option. No one would miss me. Especially Condor. Maybe a better idea would be to fake my own death. Then I'd see their reactions to a suicide by me. I'll have to try that when we have the down time. I'd need to go shopping first. For now, I'll calm my nerves with a cig or two, then go into the tech lab for a little losing-myself-in-work. That always works to take my right brain out of the equation. It's all numbers and electronics. Pure and simple.[/i][/color] Pulling out the lighter and one of the menthol 100s from the box in her hand, Cecelia lit one and started to calm down after the first drag.