[quote=@Dragonite777] [color=F26EFB]"For future reference, if you plan to talk bad about me, keep me out of earshot. I can pick out the backhanded comments that were for me as well... ... ...I'm in no databases due to the agency-burying, so [i]I[/i] technically don't exist. Yet you toy with me? If you need me, or want to murder me, I'll be out back having a cig."[/color] [/quote] Condor sat calming watching as Birdseed lost her shit and ranted on like a madwoman before storming back out of the house. Taking a sip from her beer she placed the rest of the can down on the counter before reaching over and sliding the last unopened can over to Kheshig. [color=7ea7d8]"This is my fourth, and I think that'll be all for me tonight, help yourself to that one, I'll be heading out to pick up some more in the morning. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a little something to take care of."[/color] Stepping out of the room Condor made her way back to her room and a moment later she was walking out into the back garden, heading for the spot she knew Birdseed would be hiding. Almost without making a sound Condor stepped up behind the younger woman and reached up to grab her by the throat, her fingers closing around Birdseed's throat so she could barely breath, let alone cry for help, while at the same time jamming the silencer pistol up hard into Birdseed's back. Dragging the shorter woman back, away from the house, Condor made sure they were out of sight before tripping Birdseed up and pushing her down face first in the mud. Quickly grabbing the woman's arms she pulled them behind her back before reaching round and pulling the front of Birdseed's sweatshirt up over her head so that it pressed against the back of her neck and trapped her arms at the same time. Kneeling down, with her kneecap wedge firmly between Birdseed's shoulder blades, Condor pressed the muzzle of the silencer into Birdseed's cheek, making sure she could see the weapon clearly as her eyes peered up at Condor in terror. Only once she was sure Birdseed was trapped and paying attention did Condor begin to talk. [color=7ea7d8]"It's your turn to listen now, bitch. What you did today was a mistake, a big mistake, and at the moment I don't even know whether you might've killed us or not."[/color] The night was cold and Condor was fully aware that her bathrobe had fallen open around her, making her body shake as a reflex to the chilly night air. [color=7ea7d8]"You broke protocol, endangered the mission, left fingerprints at the scene, left witnesses who could identify us alive and, if the gang had off-site recording in place, which I know I would have, left surveillance footage showing all three of us at that shop."[/color] Condor's hands were steady, despite the cold, and her voice had a steel intensity which made sure Birdseed knew the fury that Condor had gone to such lengths to hide earlier was only now bubbling to the surface. Condor knew rage though, she knew exactly how to control it, how to direct it, and right now it was all directed towards the stupid cunt lying in the mud beneath her. [color=7ea7d8]"You may have been wiped from agency records, but you went on sanctioned operations for them, which means the government has records on you. That means the people you acted against have records on you, especially if you acted the way you did today when working for your 'super-secret' agency. You leave traces, everywhere you go, but don't even notice, because you're sloppy. For all I know there could already be people on their way here to kill us, so all I want is to enjoy a nice relaxing drink and chill out, before the mayhem starts. "I could kill you right now, grab my things and be out of the country in less than two hours. By the time the others even thought of wondering where you'd gone I'd be mist. And right now you're making it very difficult for me not to pull the trigger and be out of here. The only reason I don't is because this place has a great hot tub, and I'd rather not see that go to waste."[/color] Condor pulled the pistol out of Birdseed's face and reached back grabbing the woman's arm, twisting it just enough to make sure Birdseed felt it. [color=7ea7d8]"And here's what's going to happen next. I'm going to get off you, and I'll walk back to the house. You're going to count to two hundred before you follow me. When we get inside we're going to play nice, we'll smile at each other and laugh at each other's jokes."[/color] Condor twisted Birdseed's arm just a little further, until she could hear the tendons creaking under the pressure as she leant down closer to the woman's ear, [color=7ea7d8]"And you're never, [i][b]never[/b][/i], going to ask me about my past ever again. Now nod your head so I know you understand me, and that this time, this time you're going to follow orders."[/color]