Cecelia's face was still wet from her tears when someone came out of nowhere and grabbed her up, making her drop her lit, half smoked, cigarette and box. She had just calmed down enough to have gone back in and apologized to Condor, but it turned out to be Condor who had dragged her off. After getting roughed up, Cecelia felt a gun silencer against her face. The initial shock made her panic, but the longer Condor talked, the more defeated and glazed her eyes became, as occasional tears streaked down her face. Once Condor gave her final word on it, Cecelia couldn't hold her thoughts back any more. Tears spilling out, wetting the dirt that had dried on her face from being pushed in mud, she spoke in a hoarse yelling-whisper. [color=F26EFB]"HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY I'M SORRY!? I SUCK AT UNDERCOVER, OKAY? I'D BE MORE HAPPY IN A LAB, BUT THIS MISSION CALLED FOR TWO SEDUCTRESSES FOR SOME REASON. I TRIED, AND I FUCKED UP. WHY CAN'T WE FUCKING MOVE ON!?"[/color] Her mood sobering up, and darkening, Cecelia continues. [color=F26EFB]"And why don't you just pull it? You can give yourself some bruises and say that I was attacked and you tried to save me. You'd be a hero and I'd just be an insignificant memory. The only thing I'm alright at, psychological talk, is only useful in the field. And we just learned that I can't do that right. So that experiment failed. The only other talent I have is for gadgets, and Kheshig is better at it than I. Therefore, I'm no use to this team, other than a backup, maybe. And my job as a psych on the team is to evaluate teammates' mental statuses, which involves looking at the past. All in all, if I can't do that, I'm not doing my job, and if I can't do [i]that[/i] job, I'm fucking useless."[/color] Finally getting her deep down pain-filled thoughts out, Cecelia finally lets all her muscles relax from their tensed states. [color=F26EFB]"Look, I'm not gonna just pretend nothing happened. I will wait before entering the house again, but it's cause I need another smoke because of this situation. By the way, I was moments from returning and apologizing for what I said. Regardless, I will be courteous, and even nice at times. That's because I still have hope that we can at least be friends, not because I'm acting. I'd appreciate if you did the same, just to treat me like a fellow human, not as a ruse so nobody thinks you despise me. I'll go back to the wall and smoke now, if you'll excuse me."[/color] Looking Condor over and shaking her head slightly, she makes one last statement as she passes by the older woman. [color=F26EFB]"Also, some mud got on your tit. Might wanna wash that off."[/color] Once she was back at the wall, Cecelia pulled out a brick, revealing some rolled up paper. Taking two and placing the brick back, Cecelia lights one. It was the strongest smoking substance she could get her hands on. Maybe she could get high enough to not care about all of what just transpired. [color=F26EFB][i]Psychologist, my ass... Can't even get my own head figured out... Maybe one day.[/i][/color]