Angelo sighed as he kept an eye on the operation but as far as Angelo could tell everything was going fine until he got a call from Elissa for back up and that their cover was blown; oh shit. Angelo immedatly went to work trying to figure out an escape route for them and Angelo used a secure line to call condor and Kheshig since they were both best suited to giving surpressing fire while birdseed was meant for a stealth op and right now this wasn't it [color=green] Condor and Kheshig I need you both to get to the warehouse where the others are, their cover is blown and they need back up.[/color] Angelo told them from the house intercom and Angelo went back and contacted Elissa from her earpiece [color=green] don't worry im sending kheshig and condor out to help you now get out of their as quick as you can they should not take long[/color] [@genni][@skythikon]