Hm!~ Yeah, I have no problem with the scenario - it does fit and it's cool that you want to stay away from describing the scene. I like the idea of her intervening - my idea was that Nettala's best strength is her ability to track and spot things, so maybe she glimpses Olivia just the moment before she shoots her pistol or dives in front if she uses her blade and saves the girl... then runs after Olivia and since her tracking is so good, it becomes really hard to shake her and that's probably why Olivia would turn around eventually and have a stand off. ^.^ I'll try and come up with a post sometime today for you then!~ Setting up where the girl is and where Nettala is at the moment. Might take a little though... um... a bit flustered by something personal, so... :p Nothing bad however... and my stomach is growling at me. o.o But it'll definitely be posted today (for me, so possibly morning for you later).