Yay! I win.. by default... *sigh* That's not really as exciting as winning by, well, winning. lol As for the RP, I'm indifferent as to where I end up in the line-up. Since my character is kind of just roving the Earth Kingdom causing a ruckus for the Fire Nation, she could realistically pop in just about anytime and in any fashion. Something as simple as the group coming across a refugee camp she happened to be helping or as crazy as her and a merry band of earthbenders crashing through the trees to help the group against a Fire Nation ambush. Her entrance can be pretty versatile. It might be a good idea, in my opinion, to have maybe the last two people or so in the line-up join together before reaching the main group though. It would probably help to minimize time-syncing issues and make it so the those folks don't get all sad because everyone is having fun interacting with each other and they're just sitting in a corner by themselves.