-devastating- I typed a huge OoC thing in the reply box and my laptop ate it just as I was finishing up. What follows is more concise but less friendly because [i]fml I already did this shit once[/i]. [hr] [b]IC is Live:[/b] Holy shit how exciting. [indent][b]Role of the Character Tab:[/b] The character tab is there to establish canon and to guide your posts. At no point will it tell you what you have to do; it says things like "your character has been given instructions to..." without actually saying anything about what happens. This is deliberate, to give you maximum freedom. This basically means that you shouldn't contradict any information in the Character Tab, but also shouldn't feel obliged to refer to it in IC posts. It just means we're all singing from the same canon.[/indent] [b]Reminder About the Canon Cutoff:[/b] It's still a thing. Please don't post until you're permanently happy with your character sheet, because you aren't changing it later. I'll give you more time to come up with evidence if you're struggling, though. [indent][b]Superficial Details:[/b] [quote=@Mr Allen J]Everyone post your character sheets![/quote] I wouldn't go quite this far, but please post superficial details about your character for other people to refer to: visible belongings, appearance, accent, ticks, even facial expressions, etc. Anything another character could objectively point at and describe.[/indent] [b]Role-Call:[/b] Gonna list and tag your names, and if you could post and just confirm that you're still here, that'd be swell. [@McHaggis] [@Kirah] [@freedomliveson] [@Mr Allen J] [@Liriia] [@DJAtomika] [hr] Pretty sure that's everything. Phew.