From a distance came a rather fatigued looking individual. The being was assumed to be male due to his frame- that and many women don't really have broad shoulders. The wind blew his hair to the side as he stumbled onto the camp. "I take it this is where to join the Company of Martin?" The male walked forward well aware of the risk. But where was his sense of adventure if he feared every person. He couldn't help but take a look around on all the other individuals. [i]Humans,Elves,Dwarves, no horned guys... A nug...? So that is a nug...oddly cute yet ugly at the same Antivians?[/i] The male rested his hands under his chin, somewhat smirking at the Nug. "I'm sorry... but what is the expression....adorable?" He asked Inquisitively pointing at the Nug. "Is it bad I want to pet it...?" The male had not yet introduced himself, and yet his curiosity made him seem like an utter child before strangers. Soon the male coughed a second. "I completely forgot... to introduce myself I mean. I'm Cassius. It would be nice if I could join your company. Or is the expression 'it would be an honor'? " He somewhat was amazed by how much word play he was catching himself in.