[b]Dante Calogero[/b] [i]Saldrisk Apartments, Floor 10, Uptown[/i] [hr] Dante stood outside of a rusty, old elevator shaft on the tenth and final floor of an apartment building in the upper part of town in Chernyy Ushchel'ye. His family has specifically bought the entire floor for the War but it had been unused since his mother's sickness. Dante had arrived in Chernyy Ushchel'ye a mere day ago and had shacked up in the sort of safe house his family had established. He quickly established a bounded field through out the part of the floor he wanted. It was, of course, set along the eastern side which faced an alleyway and centered so that he could easily identify if anybody came from the elevator. Preperations had been made for his arrival two weeks before he actually arrived including the movement of all the tenents out of the building as it was 'scheduled to be demolished'. Dante remarked to himself how good it was to belong to not just one but two families who had the power to do so much for him. He quickly switched his line of thinking from his families to the elevator shaft. He pulled out a set of gold plated chains and wrapped them around the grate to the elevator. Dante's mother had sent them to the apartment ahead of time for his use. She always had a flare for the dramatic and had plated the simple steel chains in plated gold just to show his stature. Dante himself hated the chains but he knew if he complained he would get nowhere with his mother. His choice the join the Church had basically left her injured. She had hoped for Dante to lead both his families into a brighter future, one which she didn't want the Church involved in. Her family had been supported by the Church but she had grown to hate them for helping her. But, Dante couldn't care less what his mother wanted. He couldn't dawdle long at the elevator shaft as he moved to the center room of the apartments, one which he didn't want to use despite its open space. The circle Dante drew was the same as the one he had been taught by his family long ago. The circle had been simple when he was shown it so Dante added his own flair to it. He wasn't quite keen on using blood so he used a paint with gold flakes throughout the paint. It was made to transmitt prana well enough to allow summoning to work. But, just in case it didn't work quite as well as he wanted, he allowed several drops of his blood to fall into the paint before he mixed it. Dante began the chant and stood before the circle as he let his prana flow. [i]Silver and iron to the origin. Gem and the archduke of contracts to the cornerstone. The alighted wind becomes a wall. The gates in the four directions close, coming from the crown, the three-forked road that leads to the kingdom circulate. Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Repeat every five times. Simply, shatter once filled. ――――I announce. Your self is under me, my fate is in your sword. In accordance with the resort of the Holy Grail, if you abide by this feeling, this reason, then answer. Here is my oath. I am the one who becomes all the good of the world of the dead, I am the one who lays out all the evil of the world of the dead. You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance ―――![/i] As Dante finished the chant the circle glowed a iradescent red. If all went well, he would summon a strong Servant who is capable enough to win the war.