[color=ed1c24]"My bet would be placed on the Free Marches."[/color] The bearded man known as Paxton said from his seat across the fire, a plate of dried fish placed on his lap. [color=ed1c24]"More than enough trouble out there that we can help deal with. The coin has to be pretty good two, especially if we can manage to get hired by one of the leaders of those free cities. Those blighters are practically choking on their wealth."[/color] He said before he took a bite out of his fish, a soar look coming over his face. [color=ed1c24]"Ugh this is vile..."[/color] He complained before he looked over his shoulder. [color=ed1c24]"Here you go girl."[/color] He called out before tossing the fish behind him. Before the fish could hit the sand of the beach a blur of red fur plucked it from the air and began to devour it. The large beast gnawed of the fish as it laid next to Paxton's feet, he reaching down and patting her head. [color=ed1c24]"Good girl."[/color]