Yuki gave a excited thumbs up to Asuka when she suggested that Luca go off with her, as there was nothing she did not like about this plan what so ever! When Luca's farther decided to mention to him to not carried away before leaving all obsicals had been removed [color=6ecff6][b]"Yuki get'o" [/b][/color]She said and wrapped her arms around Luca's shoulders just as he was asking what she wanted to do. She had to think for a moment on what they could do first [color=6ecff6][b]"Food." [/b][/color]She stated plainly at first [color=6ecff6][b]"I'm hungry after making all this food, could we go get a meal first? A romantic dinner at a festival~" [/b][/color] At this point Yuki would try pulling Luca away before Asuka tried to get them to buy something, the banana would be for after their meal, and besides she had to think of what kind of technique she was going to eat a chocolate banana with.... After that Yuki calmed down a lot, her excitement much more controlled than before so the pair of them could spend the time going around to several stands from her trying to get Luca to win her a prize at the shooting gallery to her going to the 'test your strength' attraction and using her powerful legs instead of the hammer to ring the bell at the top! The whole time the girls normal indifferent look had been shattered, a smile across her lips just like the first time she had ever seen Luca, a genuine smile and a sign she was truly enjoying herself. [i][b]------------ Fireworks Show --------------[/b][/i] While the pair were peacefully enjoying their time something was happening at the Namimori shrine, the figure from before dropped the candied apple stick to the floor before licking her fingers clean, a bushy tail swaying happyliy behind her as she did so. "I suppose it is time to call them here~ They have had enough time to enjoy the show." Turning around she smirked as many colored flashes of light bathed the shrine as the fireworks show was in full swing. Opening her palm a purple danced across it, and a moment later was tossed into the sky, arcing through all the fireworks until it reached their center, and then suddenly... *BOOM!* Suddenly a dull purple firework burst in the middle of the display, its trail clear as day from the explosion to the Namimori shrine, and yet despite this stand out display only a few select people would ever notice it as the illusion was a calling card for all those unique people, including one white haired girl and the boy beside her. [color=6ecff6][b]"Ah... It seems like it is time. Tch, Luca we should get going?" [/b][/color]She insisted, her hand looking for his own to hold onto[color=6ecff6][b] "We have to go to the shrine it seems, and we wont be alone." [/b][/color]