In his unconsciousness David floated in a void. Every now and again he'd see something flash before him like a festering wound with jagged teeth or a dodecahedron with eyes and the screams of many but none. This nightmare was fairly tame in the grand scheme of things, alcohol and experience having blunted the cut of the long sleep. Speaking of sleep, it was time to awaken. The damp dirtiness of a random alley was something David had awoken in more times than he would like to admit but there was something more to it than a hangover, this hole place was [i]wrong[/i]. He could feel it in the air, beyond the invading stench of fish and garbage there was something worse. This is a dangerous place. Quickly he pulled himself together, pushing the headache towards the back of his mind. So, his notebook got a little wet between before unconsciousness and now but everything else was unaffected. Which brought him to the book. It was old, that much was for sure, and bound leather although he did not know which kind. A nagging thought gnawed at him, telling him that it was human hide that held these secrets together. However David would ignore the gnaw, instead focusing on his surroundings as he gently put the odd book away. Taking everything around him, David concluded that he was in a rough spot. Not a lot of options in his current state, which left the bird....thing. The third eye didn't Mitch bother him as the spark of something more behind its eye, digging through all his knowledge of the occult David true to get the bird to do anything besides cackle.