[b]"I don't care where we go, as long as we don't have to go by FUCKING SEA. For the love of the unholy Creator Andrastre Maker FUCK, if anyone ever tries to get me on the big blue fish smelling fucking ocean I will craft an Eluvian out of pure anger and shove them through to another world full of nothing but suffering AND PAIN!"[/b] Fredrick paused to tear off a bit of his fish for Mangy, who ate it happily. [b]"I swear I puked every twelve seconds. Fuck you for putting me through all that pain and suffering, Martin!"[/b] Fredrick listened to Cassius, and spoke up. [b]"As long as you don't do anything morally questionable, blood mage it up, shitlord. I don't give a quantum fuck."[/b]