Kat smiled at him as he spoke. "You're an idiot then." Then she rolled her eyes as he gave a grunt. She pushed her hair from her face then moved to help him get comfortable. "So you've been framed in other words. Though I'm not sure if I believe you." She stared at him accusingly, then suddenly shrugged. "Not like the royal family cares about a peasant like me, so what do I care? In fact you probably did us all a favour. She would have ended up just as twisted as the magicians that move the king like a puppet. If you've been gone for a bit you probably don't know but since the princess died all of her knights were slaughtered. Suppose that would make you the only one that lived. I always wondered if maybe one of you killed her to save her." She sat next to him now so he could lean against her. "She was supposed to be kind hearted. But I don't even remember it. No sense in dwelling on the past any ways." "You plan on staying or do I have to go back to the boss empty handed?" She grinned, not giving him a chance to respond to her, "Oh yes I was sent here on purpose. Most people tend to make noise when someone like you comes around. Who knows maybe my boss knows who killed her or can help you figure it out." He could feel her fidgeting as he rested against her. Then she kicked out her legs and leaned back, closing her eyes. "Let me know when you're head stops spinning and we'll go out. There's a farm house not far that we can spend the night at. Then from there it's about a half days walk to our destination."