A clawed hand shot up to her ear when somebody whispered into it in bird common. She flipped around, her hand resting on her harp as she watched the exchange between this new comer and the portly shop keep. Things became somewhat heated, but all of the sudden the obstinate shop keep began to let his wares go. Lumenaria wondered what this new comer had done in order to release all of the chocobos without even a duel. She understood snippets of the conversation between him and the cowardly shop keep, enough to understand that he was some sort of lord – his dialect and inflections were too different and her knowledge of west common too little for her to garner much else. He must be from far away, she surmised. When he rounded on her and introduced herself in bird common, she was taken aback. [b][i]“Most... honored?”[/i][/b] She mouthed that over, as if tasting the words. A compliment that she wasn't expecting from anyone here in Navire, but she soon beamed back at Rinn and Al'durian and began to wipe her tear stained cheeks with a small kerchief she produced from somewhere on her person. [b][i]“I am Lumenaria Aslani of Caelum,”[/i][/b] She said with a flourish and a deep bow, extending her large wings out as she did so. One of them knocked over some jars on a nearby shelf, which thankfully didn't break as they hit the hay covered ground in a clatter. Lumenaria rushed over to pick them up and place them back on the shelf before walking slyly back up to Rinn and Al'durian, gesturing for them to begin walking and talking. She could feel the vehement eyes of the portly shop keep on her back, as if he was blaming her for everything that had just occurred. Turning away from the shop and bustling through the crowds, she spoke to her new companions in bird common. [b][i]“What you did back there was rather stupendous, both of you. You will have to teach me your ways. These ground dwellers do not know the honor of dueling, and it appears your way achieved more results than mine.”[/i][/b] She smiled to include Al'durian, who she resisted petting and grooming, as many Caelestis groomed each others back feathers socially as a sign of respect. She hadn't known chocobos for long, but she found herself bonded to them as bird-kin. They were part of her people, and something familiar was welcome in an unfamiliar place. [b][i]“I am far from home, and you honorable folk appear to be so as well. May I ask why? This place is dreadful, I wouldn't come here of my own volition.”[/i][/b] She eyed the shops lining the streets in a haphazard assembly, one that you could easily get lost in, before turning her aquamarine eyes back to Rinn and Al'durian. [b][i]“This place is an offense to you, Al'durian. Your people are kept in cages like...”[/i][/b] She breathed in deeply to stop herself from boiling over with rage. [b][i]“Forgive me, I'm emotional over the incident back there still.”[/i][/b] She gave Al'durian a slight bow of her head, before muttering under her breath about fat humans and sticking them in cages to see how they liked it.