[quote=@Adorabadass] [b]"I don't care where we go, as long as we don't have to go by FUCKING SEA..."[/b] [/quote] Taking his pipe out of his mouth Martin held it high in the air pointing in Fredrick's direction, saluting the man's sentiments. [color=00aeef]"Amen to that, brother."[/color] He called out with a chuckle. [color=00aeef]"Whichever whoreson decided a man should ride the waves should've been hunted down and taught exactly how to swim, preferably with the largest lump of red lyrium they could find shoved up his arse."[/color] Leaning back against the log he was propped up against Martin listened carefully to the options being suggested. [color=00aeef][i]Free Marches... not by sea... That would probably mean heading up the Imperial Highway before taking boats down the Minanter River, hitting Hasmal, Tantervale and Starkhaven.[/i][/color] Martin had heard some interesting rumours coming from refugees heading out for Starkhaven recently, talk of war with Kirkwall, which he could understand given the mess they'd made for themselves in the old Tevinter port town. From what he'd heard the whole bloody Mage mess had started in that godforsaken hole, and if there was money to be made wiping it off the map he'd certainly be willing to take his share.