[quote=@RomanAria] Also, I reread the entire OOC. Someone mentioned earlier that Patch had a first-aid kit in the group's car... where did they wind up parking, again? [/quote] The car was parked on the other side of the next warehouse, but if they're in the car park just outside the target warehouse then there should be the armoured jeep that left earlier back parked there again so it would be a lot closer than their own car, just a few meters away. Patch wouldn't want to have to carry Owl too far though, so it would be better if a vehicle was brought to them, preferably one with some sort of medical supplies in to help tend Owl's wounds. Given the actions Patch has taken, Owl should be stable now for thirty-forty minutes before the internal bleeding starts to cause pressure on her lung. At that point he'll need to 'bleed' her to release the pressure, which would then complicate the recovery process. As long as he does this though the wound shouldn't be life threatening, but without surgery the muscles in her shoulder could take lasting damage which would seriously hamper her ability to use that limb, and that's Patch's biggest concern right now. Already Owl's looking at at least two-three weeks without the use of her arm, once the surgery's performed to removed the bullet and clean the area of any possible infections. The cotton wool won't help there as it'll quickly bond with the clotting blood (within ten-fifteen minutes) and so Patch will have to cut out the partially repaired area along with the cotton wool, adding to the recovery time. Owl will need at least six months physiotherapy to get the limb back in fully working order, but the wound will cause permanent tightness in the area due to the muscle and skin damage and the resulting scar tissue. Worst case scenario would be that the pressure from the internal bleeding would crush Owl's lung, sending her into a 'panic attack' as her body tries to maintain oxygenated blood flow to her brain. The resulting increase in cardiac function would increase her bleeding, which in turn would escalate both the blood loss and the internal pressure. Eventually she'd die of blood loss more than anything. This is highly unlikely with Patch there to maintain treatment, but is reliant on his constant supervision and ability to focus on caring for Owl. By the way, I'm presuming that Owl was hit in her right shoulder, as she suffered no hydraulic shock symptoms when first hit, which may've been caused if the bullet hit her left shoulder and sucked blood away from her heart as it penetrated. Of course, if she's a dextrocardiac then the opposite would be true, but in that case Patch would've noticed the effect and compensated as appropriate, and still performed the same actions as he has already done, only on the opposite side of Owl's body. As the odds of this are something like 1:12k I'm presuming that's not the case. [@Jangel13][@Skythikon][@Genni][@Dragonite777] Umm... guys? Did anyone prepared the surgical equipment as Patch requested? I love your eagerness to come help save the day, but you may have just killed Owl. XD