As he watched Washington get thrown back over the wall Georgia grinned inside his helmet. [color=f26522]"Worst charge ever. Of all time."[/color] He muttered to himself. Georgia's first reaction was to back away as far as he could, preferably onto another planet, but that was hardly an option right now so instead he let himself fall backwards as he fired a burst from his rifle into the closest robot, letting the recoil propel him into a backwards roll which gained him a good couple of meters, and ended up with him standing beside a tall pillar. Quickly rolling on his heel the armoured warrior spun into the cover just as a smattering of return fire smacked into it, showering him with fragments of the tough material. [color=f26522]"Hey, wait a sec, are they using live ammo too?"[/color] He called into his radio, asking anyone and everyone at once. If this really was going to be an unfair advantage from the get-go then the recruits wouldn't stand a chance. [color=f26522][i]It can't be as simple as that,[/i][/color] Georgia thought to himself, letting his eyes gaze around the room as he leaned back against the pillar, feeling the reverberations of weapons impacts on the far side while looking for some sort of advantage hidden in the terrain that he might be able to use. [color=f26522][i]This is supposed to be a test after all, and they wouldn't have shipped us all out here just to kill us.[/i][/color]