[@Weird Tales]Sorry I missed you character, He's acceptable for now. The laser vision is on the radar to watch. [@Constantine] Alrighty, here is your chosen enemies abilities, [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wind_Release:_Vacuum_Sphere]Fūton: Shinkūgyoku[/url], [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wind_Release:_Vacuum_Great_Sphere]Fūton: Shinkū Taigyoku[/url], [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Ash_Pile_Burning]Katon: Haisekishō[/url], and [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Hiding_in_Ash_and_Dust_Technique]Katon: Haijingakure no Jutsu[/url]. He also has a tanto, and a large amount of shurikens and is weak in close quarters combat, though his ninjutsu is above average in terms of potency. [@Serum] It's not that I don't have time, because I do. It's just I'm bad at managing my time and spend too much of it watching netflix and disregarding obligations. And I make obligations then forget about them. ;D edit: Next post for those fighting will be up after work tomorrow, hope I haven't kept you all waiting too much. I dont have much experience in GM'ing and i'm sure it shows.