Kray watched closely, carefully, and intently as he waited for his opponent to chase him around the corner. Then he saw it. A light. Clearer than the rest? Slowly moving back-forth-back-forth. Brighter! Closer...closer! Kray could see this light, advancing. But he heard no footsteps. Even the quitest assassin could not mive that fastcwithout allerting their target. The goblin dove away from the light, onto the floor into another roll. He attempted to jump around the corner but the explosion blew him into a wall. "Uggh. No serious damage here...well, on me ofcourse." The walls of the corridor he was in seconds before had a large hole in each of them. But wierdly enough, on the other sides were more hallways. "Uh, weird." Kray pulled himself up and scrambled towards a hall to his left, if coming from the way his foe probably would, it would be right. He didnt know if his enemy planned to rush in after the explosion to catch him while he was disoriented(or to see if he was dead) or if he was gonne wait to see if he heard anything, but Kray didnt wanna wait around for it.