Stalker followed his clone down the hall, keeping a safe distance away. Based on the sounds that reached him down the hall, Kray had seen him - well, one version of him - and had made a beeline for an escape. The blast had put the fear of the stalker in him. That was just fine. Stalker caught up with his clone, and sent down the hall. There was several things going through his mind. One, was that he was a sinister bastard taking this job. So far, Kray had proven to be a rather frightened fellow who had little intention of engaging Stalker. That wasn't the weird part, often marks ran from Kray, as his smile was off putting and the Light was deadly. All fear the light. Another thing going through his mind was that this could have been a trap, Kray was probably leading him into some enclosed room where he would have the advantage of close range against a man whose physical prowess was relegated to his footwork and speed. He wasn't strong. He wasn't particularly durable. Perhaps Kray was smart after all. Well then, he did have another version of him to take any damage, if Kray thought the clone was real. No reason why he shouldn't, after all. The clone was him - just couldn't attack. Wrapping his hand around his Light, concealing it's bright glow, Stalker stayed behind his double. They followed the sounds of the creature - the goblin had little sense of concealing the sounds his feet made as they slapped against the ground during his run. They came upon an open door. Both stood to the side, not daring to cross in front of the door, for that may have been what the creature wanted. The double went in first, just after Stalker activated another Rune. To Hide in a Shadow... This Rune allowed him to blend in with the shadows, an inherent trait he had - just amplified. With a nod, he sent the clone into the room, dimly lit by a candle on the far wall, and one just by the door. Nothing much was in the room, just a chest and the candles on the wall. Stalker positioned himself in the shadows, watching. He held the light tight in his hand, allowing none of it to peer out and alert the Goblin. His double approached the chest. Kray had to have come in here. Could he have foolishly hidden in the chest? The double approached - a slow steady gait. One way to find out.