(([@duck55223])) [b]Unidentified System, Proximal to Alpha Centauri[/b] "Commander, we've been pinged!" the Communications Officer cried. All combat sensors aboard [i]Kastakor[/i] were activated and found an incoming fleet. The ship also received a message, but unfortunately was all in binary. The Communications Officer looked at her system which was all in an octal coding format. She quickly got on the ship PA, requesting that a technician experienced with both systems come to the bridge immediately. Just her luck, an IT proficient in both binary and octal systems came through, with the doors of the ship hissing as they parted. He quickly began to read through the binary coding, piecing through it as octadecimal code until he figured out that the fleet that contacted them was made in peace. When this message was relayed to High Commander Banan'um, a cheer rang out through the bridge. An alien civilization, an advanced one, successfully contacted. The Asrabi shipmaster ordered that a message be send to the fleet, translated by the IT. [i]"NPAS [/i]Kastakor[i] comes in peace as well, we mean you no harm. We are quite pleased to discover a new civilization proximal to us, and we request some information on your nation."[/i]