[hider=Zephyr]Name: "Gears" Zephyr Hardt Age: 22 [hider= Machina Takeover]Magic: Machina Takeover Echo: His headphones is what he takes over, which grants him a light black armored suit with white gloves and boots. His headphones also become slightly larger encompassing a little bit more of the sides of his head, they also grow outwards a bit more seeming to be a bit more bulky. While the armored suit takes slightly more damage it's no heavy armor and will only slightly lessen the pain. For defensive capabilities, his head phone blocks out painful sounds, one that might mess with his brain or cause him to go unconscious, and mentioned already lessens the pain he might take. He also able to create shock waves around him, so he is able to hold some people off, it however is not the strongest so it might just catch them off guard Offensive abilities he is able to let loose his own loud sounds which done close enough to someone might cause them to fall unconscious or cause them to go deaf. If he grabs someone he can release shock waves into their body, which would damage them from the inside. Ravager: His first ever takeover, but since he did it as a child he cant fully remember what it was that he touched. All he is able to note that, it was a miracle he lived from it. He gains nearly a full metal suit that is silver. It covers his body, legs and arms fully while his head it encompasses around his skull yet has spike protruding outwards on the back and top of his skull, it leaves his face showing though. It is clear that his strength rises greatly while in this suit, yet where his power may rise his speed falls short and he thus becomes much slower in this take over. If you wanted a good estimate on how strong his power was in this suit, then him simply taking a step is enough to crack the ground slightly. Engine: Probably self explainable, its main use is to increase his speed and nothing else. He gains a light armored jet black suit with most of the Armour focusing on his chest feet and arms. On his back is two exhaust parts, which sends out black smoke when he uses his takeover's abilities. Smaller exhaust pipes are on the back of his feet, and the only way for him to activate his speed is for him to clench his hands and rev them like one would a motorcycle. Vice versa he would slow down by not revving them and would brake by opening his hands.[/hider] [hider=God Takeover]Magic: God Takeover Loki: The first god he performed takeover on within the two weeks before the magic games. Also the hardest one for him to adjust too, as he has to sometimes fight for superiority over his own body. Zephyr found out that within this takeover his strength and speed rise dramatically while being hit still hurt just as much. He also has possession over shadow magic and can now add magical attacks to his arsenal, and while he never used it because he finds it dirty, he can use shapeshifter abilities. So while Zephyr doesn’t use it, Loki when he sometimes gains control most certainly does. He pretty much retains the gods form, with the only upside being he keeps his own hairstyle and face. so while he doesn’t have that half face going on his left eye does become yellow [hider=Loki's appearance][img]http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/4/44493/1645786-loki4.jpg[/img][/hider] [/hider] Magic Level: A History: Growing up in a town no one knew much about or even could know about really, was a way to laid back child. The child's name was Zephyr, and the only good part about him was that he knew how to crack a good joke. The town itself only had one main thing about it and that being a huge factory that contained all sorts of machinery that worked hard to produce what Zephyr called the speed racers. Well one day his school had a field trip to the factory and while allowed inside, they were given clear instructions to stay awayyyy from every machine there. Well every child listened besides Zephyr of course and while the class walked one way, he walked the other. Now within the factory was this giant crushing machine that dismantled errors they made. Zephyr had the bright idea to go inside it and then he found something above starting to descend. He would have walked out but a door blocked him in. So in fear he pounded on the side wall which was also a part of the crusher. As he pounded on it the area around him began to glow with a bright yellow color and he found himself covered in some really heavy armor. It continued to descend so like a natural instinct he raised up his arm to see if he could stop it and to his surprise he did stop it, but really he only slowed it down, yet it was enough of a moment to realize something was wrong in the machine and they stopped it and got Zephyr out of there. He was then screamed at and was then questioned where he got the armor. He told them it just appeared on him, and the adults there knew that this kid had magic in the form of takeover. It was a rare chance someone in the town go magic powers so he was treated a little differently... for about a day. They realized he was still this lazy kid, just a lazy one with magic. One day when at school though someone started a fight with him because he didn't laugh at one of their jokes, and it was this moment that awakened his fighter spirit and while not in his takeover, he did win but came out with some bruises. However cause he knew magic he was the one that got yelled at, after that day parents began to hide their children from him and so him and his parents moved to Magnolia Town. Funnily enough he was dragged into another fight, yet unlike his first this time the kid that started the fight hit him with a ball of ice. He was fighting someone that also knew magic, so Zephyr grinned and went into his Ravager suit and was therefore watching all the ice shatter against his armor. The armor was very heavy though so really he just stood there and watched the ice continue to shatter against his armor. The fight was a stalemate but he did make friends from it. Growing up he gained two more take over from machines which he grew to like more and more with each takeover he did. He gained his echo one on his fifteenth birthday when he got his headphones and grinned as he took them in his hands knowing full well that he would get a take over from this if it was the last thing he did. He then gained the Engine one when he was twenty, although he tried multiple years. He apparently had to have some understanding of the machinery itself in order to take it over. Hence why he only has three despite touching multiple machines in his life. Which made him wonder how he got his first one, and came to the conclusion that he knew that its purpose was to crush objects and that he was going to be a part of the thing that got crushed unless he did something. Personality: Quite light hearted and will be more of a joker than someone serious, seemingly shrugging off insults or even adding to them. he does however take battles seriously and goes into a different kind of state when in one. Team Members: None at the moment Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. Has different variety 2. Ironically is great with machines. 3. Doesn't let what others say mess him up. Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. His love for combat can put him in bad situations 2. Doesn't know when to stop joking and be serious. 3. Cannot be stealthy one bit. Greatest Love: Combat and Machines Motivation: To be the best fighter in the world, and prove that Machina takeover is better than Satan takeover Appearance: [img]http://pre14.deviantart.net/9d10/th/pre/f/2014/011/a/f/startline_by_boootajp-d71r8f1.jpg[/img] Additional Details: (Ima copy Zark's theme idea) [hider=Art Lugu made][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/zqlhjkYq_2LcofC5_4F1gq2WF7-Mj7WwsrOSt5Wq5K0=w475-h599-no[/img] [/hider] Theme: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjW4_OlhKfo&index=35&list=PL0vii0fs82YEHGue8tltcAlVmS9C_Tj5a] Offspring- You're gonna go far kid[/url] [/hider]