[b]Enned System, Soveriegn[/b] "..." At the leave of the Azu, a ship-wide sigh of relief could almost be heard, before the second-in-command called through the intercom. "Alright, get back. Ground teams, re-enter the gravity well, and proceed as original." Easing off the communications key, they sighed, until the message from Letona's Gaze patched through. Glancing at the commander, they couldn't help but to give a shrug. "What should we do about the Fourth?" Mayumi couldn't help but to give a wry smile, as she heard the transmission. "Unlike the Azu, which would've glassed half the planet, Yuu-chn's ship is capable of cracking it from range." The two only sighed in exasperation, before pondering over their next course of action. While they had asked the Fourth for help, now that the Azu had left, would she do the same thing? It was nigh on impossible trying to figure out how the commander of the Fourth Division thought. Mayumi opened up a private line between herself and Yuuyami, before speaking. "Yuu-chan~ Now that the Azu left, could we ask of you to warp out? Some of the others are panicking, especially with what the Azu were planning." At the rather normal request, the commander of the Fourth smiled. "Ara~ ara~ but perhaps we have another reason to be here as well?" At such a whimsical, vague, yet somewhat ominous response, both Mayumi and her second-in-command fell into cold sweat. However, before anymore words could be passed, yet another ship warped into Enned space. "Just one thing after another..." It wasn't clear who muttered these words, but it reflected just about everyone's thoughts on the matter. However, at least they haven't fell into combat stance. First thing first, they should clear up misunderstandings regarding the unidentified capital ship. Sending a transmission to Letona's Gaze, Mayumi spoke. "The capital ship on the outskirt's of the system belongs to the Fourth Division of the GNT. Howeverm there is something of importance with that warship. While she is outside of everyone's range by a longshot, that ship has a WMD that is capable of cracking the planet from where it stands." Hesitatingly, she added, "Please, be courteous with Yuu-chan. She's rather similar to a cat. Don't be surprised by sudden changing actions."